A movie about an island, and a coma!


Registered User
Hey all,


I remember watching this movie a few years back, (I wanna say 7-10 years aago but it could be longer), about people who went into a coma.

Once in this coma, they met other people, also in coma's.

Now I think they were on an island when they went into the coma place, whatever/wherever they met up.

If that makes sense. Their bodies were in the hospital, but their minds in the movie were on an island with others also in a coma. Anyways, they have to survive and work together in this place and over time random people vanish. *Insert premise of story here* and the main character (was a woman I believe) tries to find out where these people keep going, or why they're disseppearing.

She befriends a woman, and they work together to do this.

*Insert forgotten bits*

The main character wakes up and realizes the place she was wasn't real, and that she was in a coma. She then sees one of the other people who she saw on the island or w/e and goes to talk to her about it. (Her main friend on the island) However the lady has no idea who she is or what she's talking about.

*insert ending here maybe??**

If you folks could tell me the name of this movie I would be forever indebted to you as I cannot for the life of me remember.


In the Beginning...
You might try to browse through this site. It's a website dedicated to plot twists and surprise endings, and covers a fair bit of well-known and obscure films.

I hope you find it. Sounds like a neat film.