Term Paper Typing Fee?


Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
Question for you collegiate ones: what is the going rate for term paper typing? I'm not researching or really writing it, but I am doing the typing, formatting, cleaning up grammar, editing and in some cases, making sense of some really sketchy ideas. I have no idea what to charge.

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Originally Posted by SamsoniteDelilah
Question for you collegiate ones: what is the going rate for term paper typing? I'm not researching or really writing it, but I am doing the typing, formatting, cleaning up grammar, editing and in some cases, making sense of some really sketchy ideas. I have no idea what to charge.

I found a website that states the following -
  • Hourly Rate: $18 - 25/hr
  • Determining factors of how long a typing project may take is based on:
  • Condition of Submitted Material
  • Required format
  • Length of project
  • Amount of Editing Requested
  • Length of recording & content
  • Quality of Original Material
  • Piece work of total project
  • Additional charges that may apply:
  • Revisions
  • Printed copies of final project
  • CDs & Floppy Disk
  • Return Mailing
  • Recordings requiring file conversion

Maybe that is of some help?

Randomly visiting for now
woa I've been doing something similar with some of my Uni friends but I would never charge them for it....although only a few ask me. If there was like 10 people I would definately have to revise my attitude

Now all I have to do is find 10 people and work out the exchange rate for Aussie Dollars so I can convert the hourly rate. (this would be cool because my job stops in March and I need some kind of income!)

In the Beginning...
It seems like this is an informal type of "editing" job. You know, Stephen King is awful at grammer, spelling, and punctuation? He writes out what happens in the stories, and he comes up with the dialogue; but he's got this editor who puts it all together, writes in the descriptions, the similes, etc. So when you read a Stephen King story, that unique style of writing you're reading isn't even his.

Here was my going rates back in the day:

“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
Originally Posted by SpoOkY
woa I've been doing something similar with some of my Uni friends but I would never charge them for it....although only a few ask me. If there was like 10 people I would definately have to revise my attitude

Now all I have to do is find 10 people and work out the exchange rate for Aussie Dollars so I can convert the hourly rate. (this would be cool because my job stops in March and I need some kind of income!)
I've helped a lot of people with free proofreading, but this is actually almost co-writing. She's writing down partial sentences and bare concepts and I'm making sense of it. For that much thinking, I am willing to charge.

7th... cool, that makes me feel better about quoting her $20.

Originally Posted by SamsoniteDelilah
That is of huge help! Thank you, L.
No problem. You are too good to people.

Originally Posted by 7thson
Here was my going rates back in the day:


lol i can write A papers if i want...

but i cant write a paper specificlly geared toeards a B, or a C, lol..

nice job
Δύο άτομα. Μια μάχη. Κανένας συμβιβασμός.

I don't know if you feel comfortable charging more than $20 but you definitely should. I would charge $40 minimum for the kind of work you are doing.

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
Originally Posted by Moo
I don't know if you feel comfortable charging more than $20 but you definitely should. I would charge $40 minimum for the kind of work you are doing.
I told her the range, and she'll probably pay me at least the $25 upper end of the range. If not that she's one of my best friends, I'd charge more. I've spent a good three hours on her papers so far though, and don't mind the compensation. Next time I'm on a campus, I'll check into the going rate in this area. Maybe I'll start up another side business.