Most Memorable Religion-Related Film


Registered User
I saw 2 of these this week. Been trying to figure out how to name the thread but the one I've come up with is the best I can do.

Since what I had in mind, did not necessarily have to do about depictions of Christian saints or God. (i.e. KING OF KINGS, JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR, THE GREATEST STORY EVER TOLD--Some of these films are probably before your time but I watch them every Easter on TV)

For instance, I just saw Keanu Reeves in LITTLE BUDDHA and Robert Duvall in THE APOSTLE. Which has to do with Buddhism and (I'm not sure about THE APOSTLE--maybe its BAPTIST). This thread would be about all features films which has a lot to do with religious doctrine--of any religion. Or maybe religious elements like THE SEVENTH SIGN--about the Apocalypse.

My FAVORITE is THE MISSION with Jeremy Irons as a Jesuit. (GReat soundtrack too, BTW)
Blonde Klingons: Because it was a good day to dye!

The Adventure Starts Here!
Interesting twists and good acting in Agnes of God (Jane Fonda, Anne Bancroft).

I found Stigmata to be more of an updated Exorcist-wannabe, but I like Gabriel Byrne (he's always playing either good priests or demons, and always dead-on, go figger), and so tolerated some of the heavy-handed dogma in the movie (and also not entirely accurate, I'm sure).

The Apostle was a great flick -- I'd say it was Pentecostal, not Baptist, though I'm a Calvinist and find those sorts of excesses more interesting from a slight distance. But, you had to love Duvall's performance; it was flawless.

Also, Elmer Gantry is a classic -- revivalism and how religion is soaked in by the masses.

Now With Moveable Parts
I liked The Name of the Rose.A very young and budding Christian Slater and the always enjoyable,Sean'the man'Connery.They try to solve some mysterious murders in an abby where the monks are the ugliest people I've ever seen! The real mystery is how the casting director found all those ugly

Dogma!! the greatet religon movie ever, Kevin Smith is great.
"Who comes at 12:00 on a Sunday night to rent Butch Cassady and the Sundance Kid?"
-Hollywood Video rental guy to me

Radioactive Spider Blood
I really liked Stigmata, even if it was reaally weird.

"Chances are, if your parents didn't have any kids, then you won't either."

WhooPeee, religious movies, my SPECIALITY!!!

The greatest one of all of course has to be Song of Bernidette! I cant beleive none of you have mentioned this classic which is on a par with 2001! This masterpeice has it all --a sadistic nun whit a ruler & even Vincent Price!!!

And then there is my nubmer 2! The Miracle of our Lady of Fatima! I have seen this movie so many times as a little sprout on my mums lap, its embarassin! Even Pigsnie has memorized all the speeches of Little Jacinta.

And then of course there is The ROBE (Hey, RIchard Burton is in this one-- SERIOUSLY!) & the sequel Demtrios & the Gladiators!!! Victor Mature by himself kills 4 gladiators in one sitting, I dont think even Rusell Crowe did taht!!

Also Hummmmmm-- QUO VADIS! Dam, couldnt forget this. Peter Ustinov is Nero & he footles while Rome burns!

Anyhoo, I relly like the old religious movies more than the new ones. DOGMA! What the f*** was that about? It just pissed me off. Give me Yul Brynner any day as pharoh & Im happy.
God save Freddie Mercury!

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
Originally posted by Austruck
I found Stigmata to be more of an updated Exorcist-wannabe, but I like Gabriel Byrne (he's always playing either good priests or demons, and always dead-on, go figger), and so tolerated some of the heavy-handed dogma in the movie (and also not entirely accurate, I'm sure).
I agree, I think if this movie didn't convince you of a higher power out there then I don't know what would. I mean these things actually happen to people, although, they are people that are heavily religious.

I think another good religious movie would have to be The 10 Commandments, very well done by Heston if you ask me.

Prince of Egypt was a good'n, but I never saw it, only heard things about it.
"I was walking down the street with my friend and he said, "I hear music", as if there is any other way you can take it in. You're not special, that's how I receive it too. I tried to taste it but it did not work." - Mitch Hedberg

The Rapture (1991 - Michael Tolkin)
Mimi Rogers stars as a wanton sinner who becomes intrigued by a mystic vision, embracing and embraced by a bizarre Christian sect. Her newly acquired not-quite blind faith leads her astray in a very tragic way. The movie ends with the actual Apocalypse and the narrative doesn't cop-out in any way, following to a logical and spiritual conclusion.

Great underseen, underrated independent movie, and Rogers gives an amazing performance.

Hi, I'm new here.

Two religion-themed films that stand out in my mind are 'The Priest' and 'Breaking the Waves'. Neither are very uplifting, but both are excellent in the way that they portray their characters and the dilemmas that face them.

I also enjoyed 'Dogma'. It's always fun to see a humorous take on religion, and Kevin Smith is one of my favorite directors.

You get me slapped with a fine, you argue with the customers and I have to patch everything up, you get us thrown out of a funeral by violating the corpse, and then to top it off, you ruin my relationship. I mean, what's your encore? Do you, like, anally rape my mother while pouring sugar in my gas tank?

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
Welcome buddhagrrrl!!

Dogma will forever be one of my favorite comedic views to religion.

Almost an Angel was another good one. Has Paul Hogan in it. Old, but funny nonetheless.

Hey, thanks for the welcome! I usually get ignored on bbs'. I figure it's because I come across as a dork!

Have you seen any of Kevin Smith's other films?

Dogma? Y'all liked dogma?? I thought it was a waste of time. The best part was near the end with the bloody wings.

I didn't like Stigmata either. Everyone was all like ooooh, that's trippy and I was like, no, you are. I thought it was a regular run of the mill horror movie.

I kinda like The Priest tho. Is that the one with Ed Harris? Where he plays the priest that goes out and debunks miracles? I think I liked it. You guys have already said all of my favorites.

The Ed Harris movie you're thinking of is called The Third Miracle (1999).

I'm not familiar with any movie called THE Preist, but there was a controversial film called Priest (1994), which was, among other things, about a young homosexual Catholic Father.

I thought Kevin Smith's Dogma was OK. It had more misses than hits in it for me, but the times it did click, I thought it was better than average. Unfortunately it is wildly inconsistent.

As for a good darkly comic spin on religious zealotry in a media-driven world, I loved Touch (1997 - Paul Schrader), starring Skeet Ulrich, Bridget Fonda, Christopher Walken, Lolita Davidovich, Janeane Garofalo, Tom Arnold, and Gina Gershon. It's based on an Elmore Leonard novel. It centers on a young man who receives Stigmata and can miraculously heal - and the circus that rises up around these abilities.

I'll take all of Scorsese's movies. Nearly every one has religious-type themes.

I thought the Rapture was ballsy if nothing else. Wasn't anything too special...I liked it though.

I loved Dogma. I think its Smiths second best. I suppose it hits more with Catholics (ahem) than other folks.
**** the Lakers!

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
Yeah I agree with ya Steve, Smith being a Catholic would of course use that in his movies. I think if you were to watch the deleted scenes from Dogma(about 300) then you would like it a little more.

The headline reads:

"Movie forums newbie busted out by Holden, twice in one day!"

It has been YEARS since I saw 'Priest'. I forgot that the title had no 'the'.

*swallows the "h" that she stuck in the Coen's name*

....needs salt!

I see you are a stickler for details, sir.

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
Don't let Holden get to you. He just likes posting the information for movies so to better get his point across. Please don't stop posting now!! You are a rarity around here. A new poster that sticks around.

Now With Moveable Parts
And she's a girl...another rare thing around here.I'm a girl also,join my quest in total woman domination.You can be my trusty side kick! My mom posts here too,she's our leader.Anyhoo...Dogma was an icky waste of time...except the notion that God was a girl...interestin'.

Now With Moveable Parts
Oh yeah...the user name is sadesdrk...but my fiends call me Sades*flies away into the sunset*... LOL.I come off as a dork too,who isn't a dork? Oh,Holden...right.