Nicest Blu Ray / DVD covers


What's the nicest / most beautiful / most striking Blu Ray cover?

I'd go for:

or maybe:

Does it have to be Blu Ray?
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mattiasflgrtll6's Avatar
The truth is in here
This is crazily the first time I've ever noticed he's not looking down! That's what I've been seeing the whole time, so discovering he's actually looking to the side is utterly mindboggling.

This is crazily the first time I've ever noticed he's not looking down! That's what I've been seeing the whole time, so discovering he's actually looking to the side is utterly mindboggling.
There's a review on Letterboxd that simply says:

"The poster looks like he's going to tell his mom that he sh*t himself"

I'd go for the criterion Blu-ray for Last Year at Marienbad.

The image doesn't translate well to 2 dimensions. That grey aren't actually there, it's the shadows from the letters being a raised type. So the cover is actually completely monotone.

The minimalism really only works for something like Marienbad.