It's the National Superhero Day soon!


Movie Forums Extra
How will you celebrate the Superhero Day?

to rewatch all the marvel movies and my favorite marvel movies and rewatch wandavison and excited for the last episode of the falcon and the winter soldier tomoroww night

Same way I celebrate every other "National/International ...... Day".

Same way I celebrate every other "National/International ...... Day".
...try to take over the world?

I still have superhero fatigue, so I probably won't celebrate it this year. I will, however, reinterpret the holiday and eat a gigantic sub sandwich.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
...try to take over the world?
That would be National/International ...... Day night.
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
thinkin' bout running through my ex's neighborhood in some ebay underroos and a beach towel tied around my neck, screaming, "swooooooooosh-pyaaaawwwwwwwwnng yaaaaaaaawng pew pew pew!!! evil-doers beware, for I have come for vengeance!!!" then maybe try flipping a car if I can find a small one.

My Darth Star is in for a service
I shall enter a telephone kiosk, pull on some blue pantyhose and some red underpants over the top of them and shout out to all the passing women, "Lois, is that you? Could you help me sort out this self inflicted wedgie?"

That or I'll watch a movie.

Movie Forums Extra
i wouldnt click the link. i know its a virus or a scam
no, it's not a virus or scam. I just saw this interesting post celebrating the Superhero day.

Movie Forums Extra
i still wouldn't trust it
I just find it interesting and want to share it with you guys. It's up to you to click or not.

Movie Forums Extra
I have deleted it, you adults are so weird

My answer is cosplay and call my friend to do it together, or join some online talk

I will lecture people about the infantilization of the public mind by the endless onslaught of proto-fascist narratives in which powerful people who are essentially better than everyone else solve their problems by punching and kicking them.