Films You Hate, But Everyone Else Loves


Movie Forums Stage-Hand
Maybe Twilight too for me. I just ride on for the sake of a bit younger ones but personally, it's just a normal love story for the youth, not for more matured ones. I just don't know why a lot of adults love it too.

I didnt hate inception, but when it ended i just felt pissed off, and slightly robbed

I dont think superbad was very good at all, im not a fan of all these new jewish gross out comedies to be honest.

which brings me to american pie, which i thought was kind of sweet, but just devoid of any humor

and apart from dogma which is OK
I despise all those kevin smith movies like mallrats and clerks and that ****
but he writes good comics

Scott Pilgrim vs the world, True Grit, and my boyfriend hates the royal tenabums, but everyone we know loves it. but he gives some good reasons.

Movie Forums Stage-Hand
Inception and My Big Fat Greek Wedding was the worst movie I've ever seen but all my friends love it for some reason.

Off the top of my head.
Paranormal Activitiy 1,2,3 --- GTFO
Any Tim Burton Movie.
Most Johnny Depp Movies.
All SAW Movies. 1st one was cool.

Well, off the top of my head for recent ones, I'd say Captain America... Did absolutely nothing for me. I loved Thor though.

hahaa, i hate shrek the third!!!!

oh and shrek 4 as well, they should have left it at 2

Any Tim Burton Movie.
Pretty much. With the exception of: The Nightmare Before Christmas.

Shrek 2. I've seen the first three and it's the worst by a mile. I quite liked Shrek 3.

*Edit* Ooh, yeah. The Nightmare Before Christmas. More crap that everyone loves.

Sit Ubu Sit.... Good Dog
Shrek 2. I've seen the first three and it's the worst by a mile. I quite liked Shrek 3.

*Edit* Ooh, yeah. The Nightmare Before Christmas. More crap that everyone loves.

Registered User
It's unlikely you heard any legit criticism
Yeah maybe. I think some people need a fairy tale/riding off into the sunset ending. I'm surprised James Cameron was allowed to get away with letting the Titantic sink.