Real Life Aliens


Hm... I think my original question was indeed movie related because I wanted to ask you, guys: if they did exist, what movie depiction would be the closest?
Are they more likely to be E.T., or Alien, or something from the Hitchhiker's Guide? I mean, so many people tried to depict aliens in their movies, that some of them had to be right or, at least, close.
"That is, like, your opinion, man."

Hm... I think my original question was indeed movie related because I wanted to ask you, guys: if they did exist, what movie depiction would be the closest?
Are they more likely to be E.T., or Alien, or something from the Hitchhiker's Guide? I mean, so many people tried to depict aliens in their movies, that some of them had to be right or, at least, close.
I tell you what I liked in the last few years: Battleship. The aliens in that and the way they were depicted was exceptional. I saw the film in snatches, and the first part I saw was where an alien in a mechanical suit is on board an American ship. I thought that was very impressive and convincing, particularly how the tools on its arms were swapped over. The actual, organic aliens inside were not as good but I appreciated them nonetheless.

In Doctor Who there are Martians nicknamed "Ice Warriors", due to one of them being uncovered, preserved in the ice, by humans. For the entirety of the classic series they were seen in two forms, the ordinary warriors who were big and bulky; and the ones in charge who wore a sleeker armour. A few years ago, for the new series, Mark Gatiss retconned the Warriors, taking inspiration no doubt from The War of the Worlds, and coming up with an idea like Battleship. He made it that the armour the aliens wear is just a survival suit, and the real creature is spindly and flexible and can leave the suit if necessary. This perfectly explained why the different castes of Warriors were so different and it was certainly very clever. Things like the Ice Warriors' very basic 'clamp' hands were suddenly more believable in retrospect. So as a fan, I quite liked the new concept. The only thing I thought was poor was the CGI Martian when it was free of the suit, as it was reptilian but not humanoid enough to match what had gone before.

So going by both examples I think aliens using a survival suit of this kind is quite probable.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Recent thinking has pointed toward the phenomena of life or sentient life as far more rare than we had previously believed, due to the extremely unlikely set of planetary conditions required to foster life.

Also think of the timescale involved, Humans have only become a civilised modern species for about 5000 years (debatable) which is a blink of an eye in terms of the billions of years formation of the Earth/Solar system. So it's not just a question of "is" there life, but is there life at the same time as us, or is it in the early stages of evolution(debatable) or has it long since died out like the Dinosaurs in some planet wide apocalyptic event.

I think that its a certainty that somewhere there will be life, perhaps even just bacteria or ocean life etc, but depressingly there may not be another equal or far advanced race of Aliens out there.

It may be down to Humans to one day become that Galactic species going out and visting other potential species, WE may be the first pioneers of space.