Brit Sitcom Quiz (new style)


90's sitcom about a snobbish housewife who is determined to climb the social ladder, in spite of her family's working class connections and the constant chagrin of her long suffering husband

You got some cheek spooky! Never tell a woman what she should 'brush up'on, especially this woman!!
I am not sure if you are putting me in my place over that "brush up on" comment or this is merely tongue in cheek.

Here i am! I've finished work til Tuesday! 😃
Good..then I am going to tie you up and keep you here till then. Whadda you think about that? Ok are you feeling confident? You can post first if you want.

Very nice thought being tied up spooky! .
Brit 70s sitcom, a couple with 2 teenagers, living in Putney.
Where is Putney. London? Clues pls
Suburbs of London yes. The teenagers are Mike and Sally. Stars Sally Geeson.