Brit Sitcom Quiz (new style)


No not heard of that.
Surprised it has not been repeated in the UK over recent years. Wanna post one or chat babe?
I'll post one spooky. British sitcom from the 70s,was also made into a film.

No. I liked My Girl. You have heard of Patrick Gargill? One of his daughters is Natasha Pyne.Noel Dyson plays the nanny.
Is Honor blackman in it too? Never heard of Patrick honey.

Sounds like i should spooky!
I am not big noting myself but you should also brush up on 70s sitcoms perhaps some of the more obscure ones. I understand they were before your time. There were so many good ones.🌹

Sounds like i should spooky!
I am not big noting myself but you should also brush up on 70s sitcoms perhaps some of the more obscure ones. I understand they were before your time. There were so many good ones.🌹
You got some cheek spooky! Never tell a woman what she should 'brush up'on, especially this woman!!