A Simple Tale


I See You When You're Sleeping
Once, Jesus walked across his pool, but David Letterman forgot to shimmy up the balcony. Jesus looked across at the hideous goiter protruding and bubbling while Bob Hoskins ate lizard pants. Then horrified Mrs Hoskins picked her sticky hamster an olive only to discover

Once, Jesus walked across his pool, but David Letterman forgot to shimmy up the balcony. Jesus looked across at the hideous goiter protruding and bubbling while Bob Hoskins ate lizard pants. Then horrified Mrs Hoskins picked her sticky hamster an olive only to discover a disgusting

I See You When You're Sleeping
Once, Jesus walked across his pool, but David Letterman forgot to shimmy up the balcony. Jesus looked across at the hideous goiter protruding and bubbling while Bob Hoskins ate lizard pants. Then horrified Mrs Hoskins picked her sticky hamster an olive only to discover a disgusting teabag

Once, Jesus walked across his pool, but David Letterman forgot to shimmy up the balcony. Jesus looked across at the hideous goiter protruding and bubbling while Bob Hoskins ate lizard pants. Then horrified Mrs Hoskins picked her sticky hamster an olive only to discover a disgusting teabag implanted

I See You When You're Sleeping
Once, Jesus walked across his pool, but David Letterman forgot to shimmy up the balcony. Jesus looked across at the hideous goiter protruding and bubbling while Bob Hoskins ate lizard pants. Then horrified Mrs Hoskins picked her sticky hamster an olive only to discover a disgusting teabag implanted, intravenously

Once, Jesus walked across his pool, but David Letterman forgot to shimmy up the balcony. Jesus looked across at the hideous goiter protruding and bubbling while Bob Hoskins ate lizard pants. Then horrified Mrs Hoskins picked her sticky hamster an olive only to discover a disgusting teabag implanted, intravenously inside

Revenge of Mr M's Avatar
Get off my island
Once, Jesus walked across his pool, but David Letterman forgot to shimmy up the balcony. Jesus looked across at the hideous goiter protruding and bubbling while Bob Hoskins ate lizard pants. Then horrified Mrs Hoskins picked her sticky hamster an olive only to discover a disgusting teabag implanted, intravenously inside it's
Mr M Rides Again

MoFo Survivor - r3port3r66 wins!!!!!!

Once, Jesus walked across his pool, but David Letterman forgot to shimmy up the balcony. Jesus looked across at the hideous goiter protruding and bubbling while Bob Hoskins ate lizard pants. Then horrified Mrs Hoskins picked her sticky hamster an olive only to discover a disgusting teabag implanted, intravenously inside it's bladder.
"I bet one legend that keeps reoccurring throughout history, in every culture, is the story of Popeye."

Once, Jesus walked across his pool, but David Letterman forgot to shimmy up the balcony. Jesus looked across at the hideous goiter protruding and bubbling while Bob Hoskins ate lizard pants. Then horrified Mrs Hoskins picked her sticky hamster an olive only to discover a disgusting teabag implanted, intravenously inside it's bladder. Then
The wold is full of kings and queens
Who blind our eyes and steal our dreams
it's heaven and hell

I See You When You're Sleeping
Once, Jesus walked across his pool, but David Letterman forgot to shimmy up the balcony. Jesus looked across at the hideous goiter protruding and bubbling while Bob Hoskins ate lizard pants. Then horrified Mrs Hoskins picked her sticky hamster an olive only to discover a disgusting teabag implanted, intravenously inside it's bladder. Then Popeye

Once, Jesus walked across his pool, but David Letterman forgot to shimmy up the balcony. Jesus looked across at the hideous goiter protruding and bubbling while Bob Hoskins ate lizard pants. Then horrified Mrs Hoskins picked her sticky hamster an olive only to discover a disgusting teabag implanted, intravenously inside it's bladder. Then Popeye smoked

Revenge of Mr M's Avatar
Get off my island
Once, Jesus walked across his pool, but David Letterman forgot to shimmy up the balcony. Jesus looked across at the hideous goiter protruding and bubbling while Bob Hoskins ate lizard pants. Then horrified Mrs Hoskins picked her sticky hamster an olive only to discover a disgusting teabag implanted, intravenously inside it's bladder. Then Popeye smoked his

Once, Jesus walked across his pool, but David Letterman forgot to shimmy up the balcony. Jesus looked across at the hideous goiter protruding and bubbling while Bob Hoskins ate lizard pants. Then horrified Mrs Hoskins picked her sticky hamster an olive only to discover a disgusting teabag implanted, intravenously inside it's bladder. Then Popeye smoked his huge

I See You When You're Sleeping
Once, Jesus walked across his pool, but David Letterman forgot to shimmy up the balcony. Jesus looked across at the hideous goiter protruding and bubbling while Bob Hoskins ate lizard pants. Then horrified Mrs Hoskins picked her sticky hamster an olive only to discover a disgusting teabag implanted, intravenously inside it's bladder. Then Popeye smoked his huge pickle

Once, Jesus walked across his pool, but David Letterman forgot to shimmy up the balcony. Jesus looked across at the hideous goiter protruding and bubbling while Bob Hoskins ate lizard pants. Then horrified Mrs Hoskins picked her sticky hamster an olive only to discover a disgusting teabag implanted, intravenously inside it's bladder. Then Popeye smoked his huge pickle while

Revenge of Mr M's Avatar
Get off my island
Once, Jesus walked across his pool, but David Letterman forgot to shimmy up the balcony. Jesus looked across at the hideous goiter protruding and bubbling while Bob Hoskins ate lizard pants. Then horrified Mrs Hoskins picked her sticky hamster an olive only to discover a disgusting teabag implanted, intravenously inside it's bladder. Then Popeye smoked his huge pickle while reaching

I See You When You're Sleeping
Once, Jesus walked across his pool, but David Letterman forgot to shimmy up the balcony. Jesus looked across at the hideous goiter protruding and bubbling while Bob Hoskins ate lizard pants. Then horrified Mrs Hoskins picked her sticky hamster an olive only to discover a disgusting teabag implanted, intravenously inside it's bladder. Then Popeye smoked his huge pickle while reaching blindly,

Revenge of Mr M's Avatar
Get off my island
Once, Jesus walked across his pool, but David Letterman forgot to shimmy up the balcony. Jesus looked across at the hideous goiter protruding and bubbling while Bob Hoskins ate lizard pants. Then horrified Mrs Hoskins picked her sticky hamster an olive only to discover a disgusting teabag implanted, intravenously inside it's bladder. Then Popeye smoked his huge pickle while reaching blindly, he

I See You When You're Sleeping
Once, Jesus walked across his pool, but David Letterman forgot to shimmy up the balcony. Jesus looked across at the hideous goiter protruding and bubbling while Bob Hoskins ate lizard pants. Then horrified Mrs Hoskins picked her sticky hamster an olive only to discover a disgusting teabag implanted, intravenously inside it's bladder. Then Popeye smoked his huge pickle while reaching blindly, he pulled

Once, Jesus walked across his pool, but David Letterman forgot to shimmy up the balcony. Jesus looked across at the hideous goiter protruding and bubbling while Bob Hoskins ate lizard pants. Then horrified Mrs Hoskins picked her sticky hamster an olive only to discover a disgusting teabag implanted, intravenously inside it's bladder. Then Popeye smoked his huge pickle while reaching blindly, he pulled another