Worst Celebrity Douchebag You've Ever Met?


This is kind of the opposite of what the thread calls for, but anyway, I always thought Kate Hudson was a douchebag until I met her. She was a very sweet girl.

A lot of celebrities and athletes have this issue with autographs. The problem is that a lot of people looking for autographs just want to sell them. Many people will have children go up to celebrities to get the autograph from them. That's probably why he had the reaction he did after you said it was for friends. If they make it out to someone in particular, it doesn't have the same resale value. This is also the reason so many celebrities charge for autographs. Not that this excuses behaving like an ass.

Sorry Harmonica.......I got to stay here.
Good point about the autographs. I'm sure these days there's brokers, hustlers, and a whole industry around it
Under-the-radar Movie Awesomeness.

Jeff Goldbloom.
Last Films Seen (out of 4)
The Thin Red Line (3rd) 4/4---Notes On A Scandal=3/4
GRAVITY- 4/4--- Star Trek Into Darkness- 3.5/4

This is kind of the opposite of what the thread calls for, but anyway, I always thought Kate Hudson was a douchebag until I met her. She was a very sweet girl.

A lot of celebrities and athletes have this issue with autographs. The problem is that a lot of people looking for autographs just want to sell them. Many people will have children go up to celebrities to get the autograph from them. That's probably why he had the reaction he did after you said it was for friends. If they make it out to someone in particular, it doesn't have the same resale value. This is also the reason so many celebrities charge for autographs. Not that this excuses behaving like an ass.
It was 1988, matey -- no ebay in those days - no social network at all lol -- no excuse for his behaviour. Mad to think, isn't it? I remember in the first job I was in I had to make a phone call, I'd have to try and locate a working phone box. First time I saw a mobile phone was when I joined the British army in 1992. Big huge headset; I was all impressed. F**kin' thing was the size of a small car lol. When I signed up for Iraq in 2003 we had these tiny little phones compared to the one's the only CO's had back in the early 1990s. I don't own a mobile or cell phone as the Americans call them; was again well impressed. Probably like match boxes now lol.
“If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, Infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things thro' narrow chinks of his cavern.” BLAKE.

Probably make me out to be a total douche - but you asked: I worked soup kitchens in the late 80's - just a volunteer vibe. Had a couple of female friends only 16 at the time loved Hetttfield, knew they were playing Dublin on the Monday and Tuesday; knew I was in Dublin city (its very small) where they would be staying and most probably have a beer in the local metal bar, and could I get Hettfield's autograph if on the off chance I bumped into him; I'm a metal head myself so chances are high as I frequented Bruxelles bar myself. I didn't meet him there, I met him on Grafton street, just down the road from the metal bar he was heading to with his minions, body guards, hangers on, sycophants etc. I asked him for the autographs; the c**t looks at me like I have two heads. Looks me up and down, sighs, like its the greatest hardship in his life - looks at his minions - they sychophant. So Hettfield asks me my name? I say its not for me, its for two friends of mine. He f**king loses it with me and starts yelling abuse at me. I'm not a tough guy, I hate violence, but I can handle myself - I tell the twat to calm down, either sign them or f**k off -- I didn't care much at that stage - I'd done a full stint with the homeless and was worn out - just wanted to go home to bed. He shoves me then. YEah, f**kin' shoves me in the chest and yells more insults, I shoved him back and sent him on his ass, told him to leave it. Minders jump in as Hettfield is getting up, two American beefy dudes, and start shoving me - one is looking to get my hands behind me so Hettfield can throw a punch. Two guys, homeless lads who I have given soup to, clothes etc, had seen this (these guys are hardcore - I mean hardcore) start knocking Hettfield's goons off me. Leaving Hettfield, as one of them said: "Let them sort it out." By this stage I was so f**king annoyed I wanted to kill the spoilt little c**t and I bitch slap the f**ker in the face, screaming at him, "C'mon then!!" Hettfiled had that terrified bunny in the head lights look. He ducked behind a bunch of chicks, yelling no need for it. I screamed at him, I only wanted 2 f**kin autographs for 2 female friends of mine. He sees an out and says "sure, buddy, what are their names." It defused after that. Coward rat. It makes me look like a right dick though.
I get it now... You can't be called a liar because you wrote Hettfield instead of Hetfield. It's probably a different dude entirely...