Anyone going to the midnight showing of "Lord of the Rings" tonight?


I am not but I was wondering if anyone else is?You are so lucky if you are!The movies near me has a midnight showing of the movie and I am going to check it out tonight on the news!
I am going to see it with my dad after school tomorrow!Maxi(sister) is coming too!I ca'nt wait!
My dad already had the tickets and everything!YEa!Well see you around!JM
Jackie Malfoy
Favorite Movie of all time:Star Wars!
Online offline boyfriend:AdarkSideJedi(brad)
Other Sites I belong and and Adult!

I already saw Return of the King back on December 4th, but yes, I am going to a midnight screening tonight. I'm also going to a 5:30pm showing later on Wednesday. So by about 9:00pm tomorrow, I will have seen the movie three full times.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Holden theres no way u already saw it

Ummm, well, sure there is.

I saw an advanced screening at the AFI Silver Theatre in Washington, D.C., starting at about 8:00pm on Thursday December 4th....just like I said.

And T.H.U.G., theres no way I really care whether or not u believe me.

Cyberdine Systems Model 101
I'll be seeing it tommorow night. I got my ticket ready!
Last 5 films I’ve seen

An American In Paris ****/*****
Once Upon A Time In China *****/*****
Father of the Bride ****/*****
Spartacus *****/*****
The Hidden Fortress ****/*****

You can view my review for each of those films at T-850's Reviews

Probably gonna hafta wait a few----weeks to see it!!! I would love to go see it tonight or later on on the 17th..but with two small children and my work schedule!!! DRAT! Damn life butting in again!!!
"Let the idiots have their pan and scan." John Carpenter

I saw the first Lord of the Rings at midnight which was awesome, but I'm exhausted at this point in the week, I'll go on the weekend when I'm more alert.

We ain't all chumps, bub. Saw it last night. The movie ended at around 3:30 AM. I went home, got a few hours of sleep, woke up, and went to an 11:15 AM showing this morning.

In other words, I saw it twice in around 15 hours. I spent more time watching it then I did sleeping in-between the viewings.

And it was well worth it.

Cyberdine Systems Model 101
Originally Posted by Holden Pike
Walking out the door now. See ya' later, Chumps!
Lucky you. Hope you like the movie!

My next door neighbors are going to see LOTR with me. It's going to be great. I got my ticket ready for tonight. All of the hype is just getting me inpatient. But It's okay... because in just a few hours, I'll be watching Return of the King!

Haven't seen it yet but I intend to while it's still in the cinema.

I didn't see the first two at the cinema but I do wish to at least see one of the three there.

It is a whole 'nother experience then watching a film at home. All those other fans sharing in that darkened room, a huge screen and some munchies of course and you have the makings of an incredible moment in time. It would be nice to experience the first joy of seeing it with many people in a similar position. Somehow it would be more special sharing it, more unique and memorable then watching it as you would with any other film. I want to make a day of it.
'My mind is full of stars....'

Hey I saw the news last night and for the midnight showing they showed fans all dress up as chactors from the movie!
It is very creative but I dont' know if I would ever do that!Did any of you guys get dress up for the midnight showing?
You guys who saw the midnight showing is lucky!Maybe when star wars three comes out I will go see it in NY midnight!See you around!JM

Do you know my poetry?
I saw it this morning, and I absolutely loved it. Now that I've seen The Return of the King, this has become my favorite trilogy of all time. I loved it so much I'm seeing it 2 more times this weekend.

The Adventure Starts Here!
Yoda and I saw this at midnight last night. I'm glad the sold-out packed-house audience was pin-drop quiet during all the right parts (considering how loud and rowdy we all were pre-midnight). But I think it being middle of the night kept everyone a little too subdued during parts where, at other LOTR movies, everyone would have clapped in unison. Several parts brought applause from a single audience member, but no one chimed in and applauded along with the poor hapless soul. (At one point that was Yoda.)

We did, though, have a great time. And this is another LOTR movie where a simple, no-place-like-home speech by Sam near the end got me sniffling and weeping again.

I'm such a sap.

Linda (still yawning on three hours' sleep)