Butterfly Effect 2


Ok, I lvoed the first one, but this one better not be the same thing just with different events and a different actor. That being said, cant wait until it comes out!

Registered User
With all the changing of the past he did, he never once had a different hair cut.

I really enjoyed the first movie however I do agree with an above comment that when the movie ended it was more like the closing of a book. I think if they were to make a Butterfly Effect 2, it could work if they focused the events on something world changing rather than individual personal stories, that way they could get around it without repeating the events of the first movie

The butterfly effect was this film that copied largely from Donnie Darko and failed in many ways. Enjoyable but not overly brilliant.

I'm sure I'll watch the sequel but I hope we don't have to endure ONLY the directors cut on dvd in the uk!

Originally Posted by Godsend
That is so effin original



What? I didnt even hear about a Butterfly Effect sequel. Hm. I really liked the first one, saw a side of Ashton Kutcher I never knew existed
Happily in love since 16 Feb 2005.