Fashion Tab


Happy New Year from Philly!
did an awful lot of clothes shopping today [looking worried] and that can only mean "pick-me-up" but now, I'm also wearing ....well, just black. oh wait. and an orange Illini tee that says "A Clockwork Orange."
How odd, I have a yellow shirt that says "A Clockwork Banana" and a purple shirt the says "A Clockwork Plum" and a red shirt that says a "A Clockwork Pomegranate." I'll have to get the orange shirt to complete my collection.
Louise Vale first woman to play Jane Eyre in the flickers.

I wear very different things for each occasion. If I'm staying in, usually jeans and a tank top. Meeting friends, a casual dress or skirt and sandals with a matching shirt or blouse (depending on weather). Anything business related then I wear a nice dress and heels or skirt/blouse w/ heels. If I'm just heading to the river on a sunny day, then I kinda look like a hippy lol. Long flowing skirts, long sleeved 100% cotton shirts, no shoes lol. Feel free to inquire of other occasions if you wish. I'm sure i have somthing for every occasion.