90's Unknown Slasher-Thriller


Hello again lovely people, there is this thriller-slasher hybrid that I "watched" back in the 90's, where the film starts with a woman (dark blonde), driving to her daughters appartment, in what seems like a small town, with lots of woods on the edges, while driving she encounters a large man dressed in a dark hoodie (which completely covers his face, all we see is complete darkness), she stares at him from the window while driving, until she can only see him from the rear view mirror, who is still facing her way.
She seems quite unsettled by this, but continues driving, until she reaches her daughters place (which is on a second floor) but when she enters the place, she see's that the place is completely destroyed, the walls are full of dirt and what seems like blood, the furniture and everything is all over the place.. and I believe her daughter's body is laying somewhere within the house..
I don't know anymore than that because back then (mid to early 90s), my babysitter rented this vhs thinking my parents wouldn't get home till much later, but my parents came back home much sooner than expected, and she immediately took the tape off, and I never got to see the film again I don't know if there is a supernatural element to the film, or it's a basic thriller with slasher components..
Specific Details:
Film is from early to mid 90's.
Dark blonde woman drives to daughters appartment.
Encounters a hooded man whose face we can't see (completely dark).
Woman finds daughters appartment completely messed up and destroyed.
Thank you so much for reading and helping out!

Slaughter of the Innocents 1993. The opening scene is on YouTube but there's no second floor or second story.
You can't raise your voice when the lion gets here man.

Thank you very much for the answer, to be honest I'm not quite sure it this is the film I saw, as I don't remember any rain or blue tones, but it's close enough, so I guess I can mark it as answered. Thank you!

No second storey or floor is available on the YouTube version of the opening sequence.
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