Do you buy used DVDs?


Do you buy used DVDs?
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No, but I plan on it in the future
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Radioactive Spider Blood
Until recently, I had never really considered buying used DVDs... this past spring, I bought The Rock Criterion on eBay used, but before that, I always bought new.

Then, the other day, I bought 8 DVDs (7 of them used) for only $10 a peice. Most of the cases are in pretty good condition, and only one is missing an insert (unless The Fast and the Furious doesn't come with one, but I think it does).

I wouldn't hesitate to buy used again, especially from the place that I bought it, since they do a good job of checking over all of the movies that they buy used and re-sell.

"Chances are, if your parents didn't have any kids, then you won't either."

Yeah, I pick up a used DVD now and again. Of my 600 or so discs, probably only twenty or so were previously owned, but I will scoop one up if the impulse hits me and the deal is right.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Radioactive Spider Blood
Originally posted by jrs1013
I will never buy anything used, especially DVDs. Think about it....stratches and etc. I plan to buy new DVDs.
That's what I thought too... but I found a place that really looks hard to make sure that everything it buys used is in good condition, and so far I haven't had any problems with my used DVDs.

u can always buy machines that fix scratches, eg Game Doctor,

in the end, whats the difference

I haven't bought any used DVD's. Videos, yeah! But I don't see why people would give away a DVD at this point in time, except maybe it was a bad movie, well there I go!

Used books are OK, like at libraries or Yard sales

I have a hole within my head!
The only man who can decode the Complex Tapestry of Femanine Emotion!

Originally posted by Ladies Man
I haven't bought any used DVD's. Videos, yeah! But I don't see why people would give away a DVD at this point in time, except maybe it was a bad movie, well there I go!
Sure, but one man's trash can become another man's treasure. You know what I'm saying?

Not to mention there are other reasons why people might sell DVDs... like if they need money for beer...

Used books are OK, like at libraries or Yard sales
Or even like at used book stores.
You were a demon and a lawyer? Wow. Insert joke here."

yea somebody answered whats a dvd, they're cool
"Who comes at 12:00 on a Sunday night to rent Butch Cassady and the Sundance Kid?"
-Hollywood Video rental guy to me

I'm not old, you're just 12.
Oh, I buy used every now and then. I'm not made of money, though I wish I was. I once had to sell off a bunch of CD's when I lost my job, and then I bought most of em back when I was working again!
"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson