District 9, were the people in it really so morally corrupt?


One thing that has popped up a lot in reviews I have read about District 9 is that the people in it are regarded amoral. Also, my friend commented that she was disgusted with the people in the movie.

To me they seemed quite normal, everyones looking out for themselves, maybe the corporation(what was it called?) was clearly more evil than the rest. Do I just have a cynical worldview or were the people actually morally corrupt? What do you think?

OFF-TOPIC: Something invisible keeps stealing the focus from the browser, so writing is a real pain.

I thought they were written as fairly one-dimensional people... Certainly not with the kind of depth that requires debate or analysis. They were written to serve their purpose in the story. They didn't function as much more than plot tools to me.
I was recently in an independent comedy-drama about post-high school indecision. It's called Generation Why.

See the trailer here:

I thought they were written as fairly one-dimensional people... Certainly not with the kind of depth that requires debate or analysis. They were written to serve their purpose in the story. They didn't function as much more than plot tools to me.
That's true, the movie was quite action-heavy and I found the portrayal of the corporation(still can't remember the name) kind of cliché even. Still liked the movie though.

I'd tend to agree. And I can't really take the "bad guys" seriously. Even motivated by greed, some of their actions are pretty hard to fathom, and they're pretty stock as far as bad guys go, too. The "evil business doing evil business things to make evil business money" meme is beyond tired.

It was the only part of the film that wasn't fresh and interesting, which actually made it stick out all the more. Funny, that.

Happy New Year from Philly!
What is the nature of morality? Is it absolute or relative? Is man essentially amoral? Is morality a fiction? If so, is it merely a convenient fiction of those in power to control the powerless or does it have a more salubrious use than that? Big questions for a little thread.
Louise Vale first woman to play Jane Eyre in the flickers.

Main Entry: sa·lu·bri·ous

Pronunciation: \sə-ˈlü-brē-əs\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin salubris; akin to salvus safe, healthy

Date: 1547
: favorable to or promoting health or well-being <salubrious habits>
synonyms see healthful
sa·lu·bri·ous·ly adverb
sa·lu·bri·ous·ness noun
sa·lu·bri·ty \-brə-tē\ noun

Great word. 1547? Been around for awhile too. Gonna try and file that one away somewhere.
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

I thought District 9 was a satire on apartheid, especially seeing as how it takes place in Johannesburg, S.A.

Maybe I'm missing something?
I liked the movie a lot, by the way.

What's wrong with the soundtrack?
- just curious, I have not seen the movie yet.

Maybe I'm missing something?
You're not the one who's missing something.
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."