Trying to find the title of this prison movie.


That's okay. Nobody's perfect!
I been trying to find this movie for vears. What I am sure about is the following:

1 Set inside a prison
2. Stars Burt Lancaster.
3. Burt Lancaster is talking to the warden and says:

"Before you can re-habilitate a man, he must first be habilitated."

I know it is not Brute Force or The Birdman of Alcatraz since I have copies of both films. It is the above mentioned quote that I distinctly remember.
You have to think like a hero merely to behave like a decent human being.

I try to find it !!!!
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

That's okay. Nobody's perfect!
Sorry Yoda, but no. I thought it might be that one also but I bought a copy of the Criterion Blu-Ray edition a couple of weeks ago and it's not that. I'm thinking it might be I saw a clip of an out-take from a trailer or something like that but I remember Burt and the quote very clearly and have used it when discussing prison reform vs. pure punishment in a number of arguments with others. (I also became very much attached to the work of Jules Dassin at the same time - "Topkapi" on Blu-Ray TBR Oct. 7)

Well dang, how many Burt Lancaster prison movies can there be? Obvious (but necessary) question: just how certain are you it was Lancaster? If you're certain, then I think maybe your guess about seeing a clip (maybe an intervinew?) not in the movie itself is a decent one.

That's okay. Nobody's perfect!
Agreed. But I am 90% sure about it being Burt Lancaster. I have thought about it and looked for years off and on. I am leaning towards a scene from some clip left on the cutting room floor. Probably from Birdman... I know the director Charles Crichton was fired a few weeks in to be replaced by John Frankenheimer. (This is an old film - 1962. Maybe there was an alternative version in the theaters - I did see it back in the day - or a slightly different cut on VHS before transfer to DVD format.)

That's okay. Nobody's perfect!
Thanks mark f. After a lot more research on my part I've come to the conclusion that this portion of 'Birdman' is the speech I was remembering. Memory can be a funny thing. The quote in my posted question was something I distinctly remember but somehow I conflated it with the clip you have provided.

I re-watched my copy of 'Birdman', came to the same conclusion you did and found the same clip you have. Therefore I think you have answered the question I originally posed. Congratulations !