I need help rememberring the name to a movie....


Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
I still think it's Witches of Eastwick. Although I don't remember their wardrobe. They might have wore white. Here's the youtube trailer if I post this attachment right. At the end they all have babies. O.k. I don't know how to post pics or videos. Maybe someone else can post it. But I'm pretty sure you are describing the last tewnty minutes of the movie with the whole wind voodoo thing and they all live in a mansion.
That sounds like a good call to me.

You have to go to about 9:00 on this one (to the movie's ending) to see the babies and the TVs.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

It's definitely Witches of Eastwick..
Herr Zeller: Perhaps those who would warn you that the Anschluss is coming - and it is coming, Captain - perhaps they would get further with you by setting their words to music.
Captain von Trapp: If the Nazis take over Austria, I have no doubt, Herr Zeller, that you will be the entire trumpet section.