Jape's Top 50 List Circa 2 years ago

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Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
That's my problem. I'm too damn old, like you didn't know. When I was 21, I had eight of the same Fave 10 films. The other two came out after I was 21. My daughter sarah has a harder row to hoe. Unless I'm mistaken, nine of her Fave 10 films are older than her, and she's only 19. I think that Bullets over Broadway is the only one "younger" than her (oops! Ed Wood too!), but now I'm wondering if she picked that one/two because it/they was/were newer!

It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

I'm gonna start work on my Top 100 soon. They are going to be mostly movies made after 1996, however and only about 20 or so (if even that many) of the movies on this list will be on that list.

Nothing to discuss here cos you must have the only top 100 list where I haven't seen any titles, well I've vaguely seen The Jacket but lost interest so never finished it. Have heard of Crash but doesn't appeal to me.

Y'know Jape it would've been nice if you could've said why you liked the films or a bit about them. As it is I wouldn't go and look for them just seeing a title. Are they mostly indie comedy?
I'm going to be interested in seeing your updated list

you should give the jacket another shot its a great movie