

my friend at the local theatre let me get a sneak peak this morning and omg is that movie good
The wold is full of kings and queens
Who blind our eyes and steal our dreams
it's heaven and hell

I See You When You're Sleeping
Hey I saw it on Thursday at 9pm too. I really don't think it's better than spiderman at all, but i'm not saying that makes it bad.

I thought the movie moved too fast and didn't give you enough time to reflect on any of the characters. In comparison, Spiderman did this well by long conversation and sub plots which gave it that gradual pace. At the end of daredevil I was suprised that I didn't feel let down by how short it felt, I felt satisfied.

I feel redeemed for my past pessimistic posts. Once again Hollywood churns out the usual crapola. Since making movies is one of the few things this country does better than any other country, I think this director should be shot for treason. But first lets talk about Ben-Gay. He’s a limited actor who should not be permitted to carry a movie. Sexy!!?? Please. Even I have enough respect for women not to give him that compliment. It’s no wonder he’s not given any long dialogue that might contain any passion. Then this P of a director sticks a music video in the middle of this movie because that’s the easy way to convey storyline to all of the mtv imbeciles. So now it’s time for gal-pal to go bye-bye. Did they have to make DD so incompetent? And why waste time with the typical soul searching dilemma? We know how that plays out. Compared to spiderman.. I was less disappointed with spidy.
But hey, Dr. Banner should make me feel better.
Larry Boyd