What are you listening to while you're MoFoin' it?


كُنْ فَيَكُونُ
I prefer Grand Guignol, but this one is kewl too!
Well Torture Garden is a hardcore compilation featuring tracks off Torture Garden (among others), but I get what you mean. G.G. has an amazing title track and some extraordinary classical covers!!

It's impossible for me to decide a favorite Naked City album to be perfectly honest, they all have such a vibrant character - both as appealing as they are repelling
Still kicking and it hurts.

Lol, and yet another bloody awesome band

Stonehenge upwards, I've enjoyed the hell out of quite a few of their albums

Starting to think I can just shout anything random in my collection and you'll nod and say "YEP!"

كُنْ فَيَكُونُ
Listening to this before heading off to work this morning, kind of in a more melancholy mood this morning (Deadhead/Sunday Afternoon)

Devin Townsend Band - Accelerated Evolution

I remember this song, classic Bloodbath. Pretty good death metal album too
Don’t mean to be copping to this in public but there's footage of me inventing the "deathtwerk" to this particular song (public footage). Yes I was well drunk. I ALSO CANNOT TWERK.