Movie about couples sex therapy, anyone?


Hello, I'm looking for a movie about a married couple that was about to get a divorce but wife's friend told her to go to the therapist. On the first session the therapist ordered them to scream and roar at each other. Later he gave them a list or something like this of a sexual challenges. They didn't really want to do these things but they convinced each other that this is to save their marriage. I also remember that in one of the last challenges they were supposed to wera clothes that they were wearing at the night of their best sex and they both wearied clothes from their wedding and had sex at someone else wedding, getting in awkward troubles. Sorry, I'm being so chaotic but I tried not to. I will be grateful for any help, at least actors that played there. (I got this feeling that the husband was played by Vince Vaugh or someone similar to him).

Check out "Couples Retreat" and "The Break-up", both are Vince Vaughn, I don't remember anything about sex at a wedding for either of these though

Check out "Couples Retreat" and "The Break-up", both are Vince Vaughn, I don't remember anything about sex at a wedding for either of these though
Unfortunately, none of those I mention someone similar to Vince because I already checked the list of his roles. Although The Break-Up is pretty fun to watch too