New Trailers Here!


No thanks. The original was cheeseball perfection. And Conor McGregor torpedoed that trailer. I can't imagine sitting through the entire thing.

You know, there are numerous people in the comments section of this video running the show down. I get it. I doggedly watched this from the beginning to the bitter, bitter end. It crawled across the finish line. I get it. But this still has me jazzed. Just to see Andrew Lincoln back as Rick Grimes. And Danai Gurira back as Michonne. And there's even a little person. February 25th!

I am really curious about this. Looks good, and the guy playing the villain, Makarand Deshpande, is an excellent actor.
i never watched his movies but i have seen him on some clips on youtube

This might be hyperbole but there's no way any remake could approach the original. Sorcerer defied the odds and came oh so close but this looks too much like a generic actioner.