The Boogeyman (Stephen King)(2023)


This looks good. I know it's from a "short story by Stephen King," but like many movies based on his short stories, they of course have to expand and add a lot to get it to full-length film size. From what I've seen, there is a little touch on the short story, if I recall, which took place mainly in a psychologist's office, so, seeing the father talking to somebody who looked and acted like one may be their touch on his story. I didn't really care for the short story so this one looks head and shoulders above it. Thanks for posting this because I had no idea there was going to be a movie.
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

This looks good. I know it's from a "short story by Stephen King," but like many movies based on his short stories, they of course have to expand and add a lot to get it to full-length film size. From what I've seen, there is a little touch on the short story, if I recall, which took place mainly in a psychologist's office, so, seeing the father talking to somebody who looked and acted like one may be their touch on his story. I didn't really care for the short story so this one looks head and shoulders above it. Thanks for posting this because I had no idea there was going to be a movie.
it does espcially its by stephen king and i loved his horror movies, he makes amazing movies. was it the one from 2010 the boogeyman?
and ur welcome gottta love stephen king movies, hope he will make more short ones as movies

Oh, I didn't know there was another film based on King's short story "The Boogeyman." I know there have been other films called "The Boogeyman" which are not based on King's work but original stories by different people. I just watched the 2022 version of Firestarter and I liked it even if it didn't completely follow the book all the way. I loved the 1984 version with Drew Barrymore because it was just a wild, action-packed 80s movie with lots of fireballs getting the bad guys.

EDIT: Now I see the ads for the 2010 one you're talking about. I haven't watched that one but I need to. It looks like it follows the short story pretty closely. Thanks for giving me the heads-up about that one!

yea I did saw that only seen 1 of them by Stephen king. i havent watched that yet only seen original firestarter with drew barrymore in it, loved these scenes.

i dunno if u can watch short storys can u?

I read the short story, it's nowhere near enough for a film, so they're going to change a ton.

Meh, I could stretch that out to 86 minutes Darkness Falls style. Every word of the text put on screen. Long Michael Mann moments where we're just watching characters internalize their surroundings. Fade to black between scenes. 15 minute intermission. 30 minutes of credits.

Here's a filmed version of The Boogeyman from 1982. It seems to follow the short story pretty well, but as I didn't think the short story was one of King's better ones, I may have forgotten a lot of it, but the overall story and the ending here in the short are, ahem, "dead-on." Just as trivia, the actor playing the dad is a guy I recognize from Army of Darkness, which I coincidentally just watched again the other day. Also, you may have to crank the volume because even wearing earphones, I could only halfway understand what everybody was saying.

Here's a filmed version of The Boogeyman from 1982. It seems to follow the short story pretty well, but as I didn't think the short story was one of King's better ones, I may have forgotten a lot of it, but the overall story and the ending here in the short are, ahem, "dead-on." Just as trivia, the actor playing the dad is a guy I recognize from Army of Darkness, which I coincidentally just watched again the other day. Also, you may have to crank the volume because even wearing earphones, I could only halfway understand what everybody was saying.

gosh u found it , im trying to find the 2010 version of it