V For Vendetta is one of those movies that come aloong every so often that make you change the way you think, alter your pospective of life, and make you question the world in which you live in. This movie is not what you think it may be. Its not a superhero movie, its not science fiction, it is a movie about political corruption and the power the government has over a future dystopian England.

The movie is based on a comic book series originally released in 1982 by Alan Moore and David Lloyd. In my opinion it is clear by the way the movie is filmed and the style of the movie really captures that feel.

V is a terrorist who plans to bring down the government and seek revenge on the doctors and scientists who experimented on him while he was locked up in a government facility. V intorduces himself to Evey when he rescues her from the secret police while she is being attacked, and then takes her with him as he blows up the Old Bailey. We next see him as he breaks into a television station and tells the world on live TV that he is going to blow up the Houses of Parliament on November 5th. While he is here he has another chance encounter with Evey, and takes her with him. Evey eventually escapes V, when it becomes clear he is planning on murdering a number of people, but the soon encounter eacher other once again as Evey is now wanted as well. V breaks Evey who becomes free, and in turn helps V to reach his goal of blowing up Parliament.

V is played by Hugo Weaving who is a class act, considering he wears a mask the who of the movie. He is the backbone of this movie, playing the part to perfection, mysterious and eccentric, but at the same time being completely focused on his goal. The Guy Fawkes costume he uses is great and adds to the mystery of his character. It gives an eerie feel we are first introduced to the character, not quite sure if he is a good character or bad, and teases both through the movie.

Evey is definately the heart of the movie, giving the audience hope, and V a human side. Her vulnerablilty is obvious at the start of the movie, where V is an unstoppable force of destruction, Evey is someone who everyone can relate to, her character gives the audience hope. The change during the movie is remarkable when she finds her inner strength to rebel against the system, and the transformation shifts the audience feelings towards V which is remarkable.

The movie has style by the barrel loads, it rebels against the system, and goes against most methods of story telling but works on so many levels.
This is a film I feel people will either love or hate, but if you watch it and think about it, you will, like me, realise this is a master piece.

You need to watch this movie at least once, you wont regret it.