Who is the creepiest villian from a suprisingly good Steven Spielberg movie?


Well, it's only a "Steven Spielberg movie" if you consider the ones he only served as a co-executive producer as one of "HIS" films.

It's only "surprisingly good" if you didn't fall in love with it as a young teen or pre-teen.

And whether or not you think he's "creepy", have you not finished the movie? Sloth ain't a villain.

But whatEVER.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Ralph Fiennes (or whatever) in Shindler's List

Japanese General in Empire of the Sun

Jaws in Jaws
Remember, remember, the 5th of November
I'm afraid I must bid you adieu.
He woke up one night with a terrible fright
And found he was eating his shoe.

hmm. What was the name of the Gestapo guy in RAIDERS? The one that had the symbol burned into his hand.

Originally Posted by yowser
hmm. What was the name of the Gestapo guy in RAIDERS? The one that had the symbol burned into his hand.
That would be Taht. He was great!

Originally Posted by Loner
Sloth from The Goonies
Did you even watch the Goonies?! Sloth wasn't a villain in any sense, if any thing he was the hero. Now the mother, she was a creepy villain. Anyways the Goonies wasn't even a Speilberg movie, he produced it, but didn't direct it. The creepiest villain from a Speilberg movie was probably, well actually now that I think about it he doesn't normally have creepy villains. Sure he has villains but there is nothing unusually strange about the majority of them.
Make it happen!

Originally Posted by projectMayhem
Did you even watch the Goonies?! Sloth wasn't a villain in any sense, if any thing he was the hero. Now the mother, she was a creepy villain. Anyways the Goonies wasn't even a Speilberg movie, he produced it, but didn't direct it. The creepiest villain from a Speilberg movie was probably, well actually now that I think about it he doesn't normally have creepy villains. Sure he has villains but there is nothing unusually strange about the majority of them.
EXACTLY! The ones I have posted are the only creepy ones I can think of!

All good people are asleep and dreaming.
I can't believe anyone seriously replied to this thread.

Yes, I feel shamed for doing so.

RIP www.moviejustice.com 2002-2010
Originally Posted by projectMayhem
Yes, I feel shamed for doing so.
The simple answer to this IS the huge freakin' disel truck in Duel or the driver depending on how you look at it.

OK I win.
"A candy colored clown!"
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All good people are asleep and dreaming.
Originally Posted by iluv2viddyfilms
The simple answer to this IS the huge freakin' disel truck in Duel or the driver depending on how you look at it.

OK I win.
OK, you win.

Originally Posted by iluv2viddyfilms
The simple answer to this IS the huge freakin' disel truck in Duel or the driver depending on how you look at it

Indeed, that is a good villian. What in sam hill was that guy's problem?
Anywho, he or it, was a good/great villian.