Best Film Award - Who are the holders?


Registered User
Hello everyone.

I'm new here and it's a general question about awards, so I hope this is the right place.

It's about short film awards, but the question probably also includes feature awards. Suppose a film is awarded "Best Thriller Short" at a festival, then the director's name automatically appears in the award announcement. However, the producer(s), the author and the actors are also involved in the awarded film.

So who among those involved can boast of belonging to the holders of the award? Shouldn't one think that at least the author and the producer have the same share of the honor as the director?

Thank you in advance.

Registered User
Well, as I said, a "Best Film Award", more precisely "Best Thriller Short Award". To be honest, a horror short film written by me with my son as director and both of us as producers won 3 awards at 2 festivals in Los Angeles, 2 x Best Horror Short and 1 x Best Thriller Short. Now I'm not sure whether only the director can claim the award or whether I can too.

Congratulations to you and your son on winning! It would likely depend on the festival's rules. For example with the short films at the Oscars, the rules say the recipient of the Oscar will be the individual most directly responsible for the concept and the creative execution of the film. In the event that more than one individual has been directly and importantly involved in creative decisions, a second statuette may be awarded. These festivals are likely different though. I would think their website would have that info somewhere.

Registered User
Thanks. At festivals you usually only get digital badges with the film title, director's name and two laurels around it. In general, I would conclude from your information that as an author & producer one has a certain claim to the award. By the way, we have won another 10 awards in special categories with our film at different festivals.