moviefan20 is a star!!


Get Low, Get Low, Get Low
Hey MoFo's check out my college web page, i am using a wireless lap top.
Seek me, for comfort, call me, for Solace, I'll be waiting, for the end of my broken heart..

Plus a lady fan of PimpDaShizzle V2.0 and Most importantly JRS

Get Low, Get Low, Get Low
Yeah, i did have to feed it, people put things on here that don't get that much attention, geez i make one thing about me and you jump down my neck,
by the way i am going to college to be an accountant/auditor,I didn't help make it, just modeled for it. but i am a full time student there. thanks for asking for those who care and want to know about me, sorry silverbullet for bothering you so much.!!!
I guess we all can't be perfect like you.

Get Low, Get Low, Get Low
You just seemed like you were commenting on my thread. What did you mean then?
I get the feeling like you are very outspoken and voice however you feel.
Once again, i apologize!

Get Low, Get Low, Get Low
I can never take critisim too well.
I mean you (yoda) are opinionated.
But thanks for clearing that up with me.
Happy Birthday to you too YODA..Y-O-D-A Yoda