Brodinski's Best of the Year list

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I was disappointed with Ranging Bull, though I watched it when I was younger and I was expecting a movie like Rocky, instead, where the main character is a success story. So I was disappointed.

I will try to watch it again now that I am more mature.

Reading through this list has reminded me of several I must get out and watch! Babel was one that I forgot about.

After meaning to for a long time I finally decided to go through your thread here Brodinski, and have been doing so the last couple of days. Fantastic effort man. Even though there are a few films I don't agree with I still admire the sheer amount of work and love you put into them. And you do have some fantastic picks (some of which I may not have expected) such as Terminator 2, Raiders of the Lost Ark, The Last Crusade, Unforgiven, Pulp Fiction etc. Oh and while it would not be my choice Blood Simple is a brilliant left-field pick for 1984.

Just going through and I was amazed how many films you chose as winners or runners-up that I have actually done a review for. Wall-e, Assassination of Jesse James, No Country for Old Men, There Will Be Blood, Lives of Others, the Lord of the Rings flicks, Oldboy, Memories of Murder, Moulin Rouge, Truman Show, Saving Private Ryan, LA Confidential, Forrest Gump, Ed Wood, Unforgiven, RoboCop, Stand by Me, The Hitcher, Gremlins etc. It makes me think I should have gotten a lot more rep and feedback from you!

Anyway as I said great stuff, and I hope you continue with the thread either into the 70s or catching up the last few years
Many thanks for your kind words. I'll probably continue with the 70s this year. Maybe somewhere around September. We'll see.