10 worst films ever created


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I know what you did last summer 3

^ Rest Stop 2 sucked big time for the same reason.

Have you seen every single film in the series? or are you one of the bandwagon haters?
I've seen them all. They all suck and I have nothing else to say what hasn't been said.

I just have a few at the top of my head, just movies fresh in my memory:

Bourne Legacy - This movie can go to hell. I cherish the trilogy, and it completely blows up the end of the trilogy. Should have tempered my expectations for this movie.

Batman and Robin - Everyone knows how hard this is to watch, specially after Nolan's version.

Taken - The most overrated movie ever. Tried to be Bourne without the substance.

Law Abiding Citizen - Gory just for the sake of it. Jamie Foxx's worse performance. Nauseating in your face symbolism of Justice system. Ridiculous premise. A mess.

Human Centipede - So terrible people wanted to see how bad it was. It's bad and disgusting.

Cowboy and Aliens - This was garbage. Terrible performances. Terrible characters who I had no emotional attachment too. Stupid plot and story twists. All around bad.

Miss March - I barely remember it, but I remember it being horrible. Not laughing once. Funny premise that failed miserably.

Anything Tyler Perry Makes - In the words of Charles Barkley turrrrible
I came here to do two things, drink some beer and kick some ass, looks like we are almost outta beer - Dazed and Confused

101 Favorite Movies (2019)

Zohan was one of the most pathetic excuses for a comedy I've ever seen... and I'm usually forgiving of Sandler's stuff. It fell flat from beginning to end. I was miserable watching it.
#31 on SC's Top 100 Mofos list!!

Cowboys and Aliens, Taken, and Law Abiding Citizen are all decent films, wouldn't class them as worst ever. Not to me anyway, nothing amazing but they certainly don't deserve to be put under worst films ever.

dragon ball z movie Wackkkk!!!!!

If anyone ever puts in a Anne Hathaway film in here... he is going to hear from me!

I just have a few at the top of my head, just movies fresh in my memory:

Bourne Legacy - This movie can go to hell. I cherish the trilogy, and it completely blows up the end of the trilogy. Should have tempered my expectations for this movie.
+1. Simply pathetic! My fav would be the Ultimatum.

If anyone ever puts in a Anne Hathaway film in here... he is going to hear from me!

Cant see the link!

Oh, sorry xD
I posted Ella Enchanted.

Its still better than a lot of other movies. In no way the worst!

I agree. While it's a pretty bad movie, I've seen a lot worse. I just posted it to see how you'd react lol.

Alice in wonderland?

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
I know what you did last summer 3
I also didnt even know this film was even made
Cowboys and Aliens, Taken, and Law Abiding Citizen are all decent films, wouldn't class them as worst ever. Not to me anyway, nothing amazing but they certainly don't deserve to be put under worst films ever.
These films should not be in a 'worst film created list' IMO I really enjoyed them
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

Zohan was one of the most pathetic excuses for a comedy I've ever seen... and I'm usually forgiving of Sandler's stuff. It fell flat from beginning to end. I was miserable watching it.
I agree, that movie was torturous. Little Nicky and Eight Crazy Nights made me laugh more.

Alice in wonderland?
Again, I've seen worse. I'd place Ella Enchanted below that film.