help with trying to remember a movie title


Me and my flatmate watched a movie on cable about 5 years ago. i have a vague memory of it but remember being captivated by it... from memory, it was about a depressed blues guitarist and i think it was set in LA. every night this guy plays guitar through an amp over a valley and then an unknown character starts playing back at him from across the valley. they jam out several times until eventually the man stops playing back. This is all i can remember, does anyone know the movie??
"why are you wearing that stupid man suit"

planet news's Avatar
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That's a hauntingly poetic image right there. I might steal this if no one finds the source.
"Loves them? They need them, like they need the air."

haha im starting to consider the idea that this movie doesnt actually exist and it might just be a dream i had years ago that has manifested itself as a memory.

no it was definitely a movie... it had a plot involving him being a busker and then joining a band but none of it meant anything to him. he only felt something when playing blues into the valley and the unknown character played back... theres gotta be someone out there that has seen this movie!?!?