Your Job List...


What was your first job?

How many jobs have you been through?

What was your favorite job?

What's your current job?

What's your dream job?
But I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet, Tread softly because you tread on my dreams. W.B. Yeats

What was your first job?

Paper route

How many jobs have you been through?


What was your favorite job?

Folding Pizza boxes for free Pizzas when I was 12

What's your current job?

Tech support

What's your dream job?

CEO of Fredricks of Hollywood

“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
This is around the site, but my jobs basically involve editing and writing film reference books, pumping gas, being a suited-up gofer for a "real estate institute", gardener, pool cleaner, cook, chauffeur, caregiver for the elderly, brother, son, father, husband, center air traffic controller, substitute teacher, continuation school teacher, debt payer, filmmaker consultant and nurturer, and hopefully semi-producer of an artistic filmer who will help me out with my bills when she proves successful, HA!
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

Buy the ticket, take the ride.
I have had one job so far in my life and it was in a jewellery shop for 4 weeks over Christmas. I really didn't enjoy it. I loved physically working and keeping myself busy but eventhough the place only opened for a week before I started, everyone was really bitchy to eachother and there was alot of talking behind other people's backs, and while I do enjoy a bit of gossip now and then, it all felt so ridiculous and immature.

I'm trying to find another part time job but it's proving very difficult even with the little experience I have!

When I grow up, I want to be a journalist but I'm not sure what type yet. I've seemed to have ruled out music journalism, at least temporarily, 'cus I got into some trouble with local bands and I know I don't want to write for a tabloid or about politics. I've got plenty of time to figure it all out though. :]
"Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously."

In the Beginning...
What was your first job?

Lifeguard at Six Flags

How many jobs have you been through?

5 or 6

What was your favorite job?

Working with kids

What's your current job?

Copywriter for an exhibit design firm

What's your dream job?

Pretentious film director

What was your first job? When I was a kid, I often sold magazine subscriptions, Christmas cards, and Cloverine Salve door-to-door for prizes or pocket money. My first job working for someone else was selling soda pop during performances at the local rodeo when I was 9. Lugged a bucket loaded with ice and bottles of pop up and down the bleachers. Think my right arm is still a mite longer than my left as a result.

How many jobs have you been through? In 67 years, a bunch! The things named above, jpaper route, sacked groceries, short-order cook and dipper at hamburger-ice cream store, ticket-taker and refreshment bar operator at local movie theater, collector for a loan office where our top loan was $100 from which the interest was subtracted up front (you can imagine what kind of clientelle we collected), geology lab assistant, working for seismic crew loading explosives and hustling jugs, medical records clerk for US Army, oilfield roustabout, worked part-time in college registar's office while going to school, worked as reporter for a total of three different Texas newspapers, teaching assistant in journalism department while getting my master's, taught journalism on a couple of different occasions, worked as reporter for business magazines. Freelanced a few assignments.

What was your favorite job? Working as a reporter

What's your current job? Working as a reporter

What's your dream job?[/quote] Working as a reporter