House of the Dead


The MPAA kills the HOUSE OF THE DEAD website!

House Of The Dead: The Official House Of The Dead Website ( has been taken down due to the fact that the MPAA has deemed the site "too gory", according to Fangoria.

The MPAA not only has jurisdiction over films themselves, but also movie posters, trailers and official sites, prompting many studios to "leak" stuff onto the 'net a'la recent "bootleg" CABIN FEVER trailers hitting everywhere. No word on how soon a new HOUSE OF THE DEAD site will go up, but it seems that the horror community is the one most often struck by the MPAA, particularly when it comes to all things web-related.

I saw the trailer before Freddy vs. Jason and thought it looked great. I love a horror flick that says, "Plot, schmot. We're just killin' zombies here."
You were a demon and a lawyer? Wow. Insert joke here."

I saw the trailer... only it was about the size of a peanut and crappy as hell quality... so I really couldn't get a feel for it... except for the dialouge... and the dialouge was mediochre.... so right now, I'm not as excited as I could be.
You were named after the DOG?

This looks like it has the potential to be real crappy. I was really disapponted with how bad that trailer was.
Make it happen!