Movie title question


Within the last month or so i saw a trailer from a thriller/horror/comedy and forgot to jot it down now i cannot find it for the life of me.

Basically it is about a guy who ends up trying to kill a bunch of hippies and the only thing i remember from the trailer is a woman screaming "but they are god's creatures" and the cop says everyone hold your fire. The women is then attacked by the wolves/dogs and the cop kinda mumbles ok you can fire now and the trailer ends with the killer axing a guy who says but i'm a republican.

Trying desperatly to find the title of this and if Anyone recognizes it you have my thanks!

I sounds like you're describing The Tripper, which is about a serial killer who wears a Ronald Reagan mask.

It was released in 2006, however, so I suppose when you say you saw the trailer last month, you don't mean in theaters.

god yes thats it, yea i saw the preview on a dvd and fergot to put it in my que thanks a ton man