The Character Name Game


Here's how it goes...provide the name of the movie the character was in. Extra points for fleshing out the description for others who barely remember or never saw the movie.

For example:

Marty McFly

Answer: The time-travelling teenager played by Michael J. Fox in Back to the Future

As usual, please post another character name when you answer.

I'll start with :

Lloyd Dobler

Bruce Campbell Groupie
Is that Jim Carrey's character in Dumb and Dumber I won't post another cahracter yet as I'm not sure I'm right
Gimme some sugar!

No...It's John Cusack's character in Say Anything who tries to win the heart of the character played by Ione Skye....holding up a jambox.

In Dumb and Dumber, Carrey played Lloyd Christmas

Now it's your turn. or at least someone else's

Do you know my poetry?
Originally Posted by jrs
No...It's John Cusack's character in Say Anything who tries to win the heart of the character played by Ione Skye....holding up a jambox.

In Dumb and Dumber, Carrey played Lloyd Christmas

Now it's your turn. or at least someone else's
Then I guess I'll say a character.

John Bender

Judd nelson in the criminal

Max bialystock

Do you know my poetry?
Originally Posted by joshost
Max bialystock
Zero Mostel in The Producers

Eli Cash

Eli Cash = Owen Wilson's character in The Royal Tenenbaums (wrote himself a good little part, he did). "What this novel presupposes is....what if he didn't?"

Fred C. Dobbs
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Originally Posted by Holden Pike
Fred C. Dobbs
Humphrey Bogart in "The Treasure of the Sierra Madre"

Harry Palmer

Do you know my poetry?
Originally Posted by Holden Pike
Cosmo Brown
Donald O'Connor in Singin' in the Rain

Reed Rothchild

Originally Posted by Ezikiel
Reed Rothchild
That'd be Dirk Diggler's porn-star sidekick in Boogie Nights. Also known as Chest Rockwell and John C. Reilly.

How 'bout...

Beverly Sutphin
You were a demon and a lawyer? Wow. Insert joke here."

Originally Posted by Mary Loquacious
That'd be Dirk Diggler's porn-star sidekick in Boogie Nights. Also known as Chest Rockwell and John C. Reilly.

How 'bout...

Beverly Sutphin
Kathleen Turner's character in Serial Mom. I LOVE THAT MOVIE!

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity
Me, too.
"Chip, you know how I hate the brown word."

Hollywood Montrose
Meshach Taylor's character in Mannequin--I think. I sense a thematic brain pattern from you, Jason.

If I'm right, this'll be nexters...

Delbert Grady

Registered User
Harry Tuttle: Robert DeNiro in "Brazil".

Aaron Stampler

WARNING: "Primal Fear" spoilers below
Aaron Stampler = Eddie Norton's fake multiple personailty victim in Primal Fear

Javier Rodriguez Rodriguez

Javier Rodriguez Rodriguez is Benicio Del Toro's drug busting Mexican cop in Steven Soderbergh's Traffic

Next: Inigo Montoya
In every generation there is a chosen bint

"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." Anyone who doesn't know what movie that's from or the actor who played him...shame on you.

Hollis Mulwray