We ARE... We ARE on the CRUUUUUISE! we are...


So I'm watching a bare minimum of five episodes of the original show a day preparing for the potentially second season of the live-action one. It's five episodes a day, six days a week. Starting the Drum island arc today, and I might be able to get through the whole season in two days, so seven episodes a day this weekend.

Is it funny? It looked as if it might be.

It's not quite as hilarious as the original show, but it's made funny because of its incredible faithfulness. Luffy's still a lot of fun and Zoro has some very golden moments. Also, we get Buggy being Buggy and Garp being Garp.

We watched the first couple scenes and turned it off.

Because we liked it so much and are coming back to it later! Good energy, good set pieces, great makeup