movie about time travel and abandonment


It is a movie i watched on tv when i was younger and I dont remember a lot of things. If I recall correctly it was about a man who was abandoned as a child by his father. He somehow goes back in time and relives his teenage life until the day of the departure of his father. He does anything he can in order to stop him from abandonment but in the end he cant do it. I remember a scene where the boy buys bread so his father doesnt have to. And also a scene where the boy is with his classmates and they dive in a pool. Im 99% sure the movie is foreign. However there is a little chance the movie is in english. Thank you!

Sounds somewhat like an episode of Life On Mars. The UK version. But does not have all the details you mantion.

Is it possible that it's "Mr Nobody" (2009) ? How old is your movie?

Other possibility is "Vertraute Fremde" (2010).

Its vertraute fremde. Thank you very much you're amazing