Duncan Jones' 'Mute'


I'm unquantifiably excited about this:




Jones has said for some time that his next movie is a sci-fi thriller called Mute, set in a future Berlin and also the same universe (or 'Moon-iverse' as he's now dubbed it) as, you guessed it, Moon. Speaking to IndieWire, Jones confirms that Mute is still planned as his next film, though he's still waiting for a proper start date.
What really caught our eye, though, is that Jones also has a third film in a planned Moon trilogy on the go - in fact, the script was written before he'd even made Source Code.
"...it’s already written," Jones said. "It’s ready to go. I was trying to make it after Source Code. It’s a female lead, and at that time, four of five years ago, it was just proving really difficult to get the film made, this science fiction film with a female lead. It feels like it’s going to be easier these days. I think there’s more of a willingness for that to happen, and I certainly think it’s about time, but Mute’s kind of happening now, so I’m going to do that, and then, with any luck, I’ll be able to get this other film made that will make up the third part of that trilogy, as soon as possible."

This might just do nobody any good.

Some new info:

Set in the near-future, Leo (Alexander Skarsgard) is a bartender living outside Berlin. Because of a childhood accident, Leo has lost his ability to speak and the only good thing in his life is his girlfriend Naadirah (Seyneb Saleh). When she disappears, Leo’s search will take him to the city’s underbelly with a pair of wise-cracking American surgeons (Paul Rudd and Justin Theroux) as the only reoccurring clues in a mystery that only seems to deepen further.
Still no release date

Also, uh, can someone move this to the Upcoming Movies and Sequels sub-forum?

Here's a glimpse...

In case I didn't embed it right, just skip to 2:04.

Here's a glimpse...

In case I didn't embed it right, just skip to 2:04.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Looks like netflix has removed the video.

Don't think so; it's still there for me (and I can't imagine they'd remove anything, bad reviews or not).

Unless you just mean it's just not front-and-center when you first log in. That changes fairly regularly.

The reviews are in and it's not looking good.
Yeah, I was fairly excited, and even so-so reviews wouldn't have stopped me, but they've been absolutely brutal. It's basically unheard of for a film to get reviews like this and be weirdly good, anyway, at least for me.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
It says video not available which is different to the message when it's geoblocked. No biggy, Yods. I'd not even heard about it until this thread but was curious.

Yeah, I was fairly excited, and even so-so reviews wouldn't have stopped me, but they've been absolutely brutal. It's basically unheard of for a film to get reviews like this and be weirdly good, anyway, at least for me.
I'm still watching it. My expectations are low now, so who knows, I might end up thinking it's not that bad. Or dare I say, like it.

I hope DJ doesn't turn into a NWR scenario for me

"I really like this director...

...I really liked this movie he did."

Yeah, I was fairly excited, and even so-so reviews wouldn't have stopped me, but they've been absolutely brutal. It's basically unheard of for a film to get reviews like this and be weirdly good, anyway, at least for me.
There are some people on Twitter raving about it. The guy who wrote Neuromancer loved it.

The reviews are in and it's not looking good.
Yeah, I was fairly excited, and even so-so reviews wouldn't have stopped me, but they've been absolutely brutal. It's basically unheard of for a film to get reviews like this and be weirdly good, anyway, at least for me.
I saw one that advised to avoid the film entirely or it would "change how you feel about Duncan Jones".

