Can someone please tell me what movie this is? Been searching for years!


Hello all,

Newbie here. I honestly cant remember the actor(s) in this movie. I think it *may* have been Kevin Bacon. Anyway..I only remember a single scene from it. The actor(KB?) was either married or in a relationship with a woman. In the scene, he's w another couple(I assume friends or coworkers) in either their house or the other couples house. The couples are sitting on a couch I think and the girlfriend or wife of the other couple is supposed to be an actress(as an occupation in the movie). So, couple #1 says something like "hey, so tell us about that new commercial you are in" and she(I think she has blonde hair) re-enacts a scene from the commercial/movie where she erotically licks the side of a drinking glass(which is long and rather narrow) very slowly(almost as if she is simulating oral sex on a man) and she says "Mmmmmm....tastyyyyyeee". And couple number two laugh and say something like "wow..that's great".

What was funny for me was..she was either unaware that it was like a neo-porn commercial or the fact that she took it as legit acting in the movie or the fact taht she took it so seriously(like it was a big career making part,etc.). Does anyone know what movie this was? Thanks.

It wouldn't happen to be Diner (1982) would it? I've never seen it so it's just a shot in the dark although I know it is fairly obscure.