American Movie: What a gem!

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If you haven't seen this fascinating and quirky documentary, then watch it soon. It is a fine piece of film.

It is about a lower-middle class amateur filmmaker from the blue collar plains of Wisconsin and his attempts to complete a feature length film, despite the down-and-out conditions of his life, and his own shortcomings. But what he lacks in resources and talent, he more than makes up for in enthusiasm and brazen confidence.
His unflappable demeanor is both enthralling and poignant.

His cast of friends and family is a very entertaining mix of characters-- all real, of course.

Best film I have seen in a while.

It was an alright movie, and it did have its scenes such as when he was acting out the phone bill scene and when that guy kept getting his head put through the cabinet. Other than that, it was a little drawn out and boring at times. Good movie I suppose if you're looking for something a little different and have already seen all the new releases

I cannot believe you just wrote that.

All the new releases?! Like seeing all the new releases before looking at older films is standard practice? Ugh. Go back and look at the older films for Christ's sake. I feel so dirty for having read that...

Quietstorm's response has made me realize that I should have included a caveat in my post: this movie is for documentary lovers only.

You either like them or you don't. If you like documentaries, this is one of the best ones in a while.

It was Funny
When I Die Bury Me Upside Down So The World Can Kiss My A$$.

I've actually corresponded with Mark Borchardt through email. He's a really nice guy.

His email can be found at

I really liked the documentary but I don't think it can even hold a candle against Terry Zwigoff's Crumb .