Subliminal Messages


If you could put a subliminal message onto a movie dvd what would it be?


Naw, just kidding. I don't really know. Since I'd obviously have to be in a place of DVD-power to be able to do such a thing, my whole life would be different. It's really hard to say.

"Stop eating that's really bad for you...put it down don't want to be fat. Stop eating that's really bad for you...put it down don't want to be fat"
I watch movies, I eat, I lift weights, I eat again.

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How about the Homer Simpson approach?

"yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum...."

MovieForums Extra

By the way, is it really possible to put subliminal messages into movies that are completely unnoticable unless you go through the movie frame by frame?? And do they work?

I think it might be possible - although people would notice flickers of things... for subliminal messages, I really don't know if they work. Some people are sure they do, others just don't think so. I think they do have some effect, but not as much as some people think.

Basically, if you have a crappy product, and use subliminal advertising within an otherwise normal looking commercial, in the end your crappy product will not win out over the superior competition.

The only study I've ever known of that said subliminal messages worked has since been discredited and the backer admitted he faked the results. Any subsequent study has shown that subliminal messages don't do anything.

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
My science project a couple years ago was going to be "Is it possible to plant subliminal messages into someones mind while they sleep" But my teacher said I wasn't allowed to do it. So I did are people with bigger heads smarter.

But back to the point, the frame by frame thing is possible. I had to make a video for Government the otherday, and using Adobe Premiere I went back and for every 70th frame, i put in a frame that said "Give Peter an A" that displayed for 5 frames. It was noticeable, but only subconciousally, no one said anything at least. And my group did get an A. But I doubt it really worked.
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Lol! That's was cool!

Hmm.. so are people with bigger heads smarter?

MovieForums Extra

Haha, I have to go back to the old saying, it's not the size that matters but how you use it

I dunno if that's true dude. A larger head usually implies a larger brain, and as simple as it sounds, a larger brain does help make you smarter.

Hmm.. well people with bigger heads might have problems bumping them into things. Their oversized heads make them clumsy and off balanced then they bump their heads a lot and over time it makes them dumb.

Are girls with more hair smarter or dumber?

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
Thats the conclusion I came to(smaller is smarter). I made 35 people take an I.Q. test and measured the size of their heads. The result was that the smaller the head, the smarter. My explaination for this was that if you have a larger head, then you would have a larger brain, but that was proved wrong in the research I found which stated that all brains are relativley the same size, and use the same portion of the brain and that someone with a larger head simply has a larger number of fat cells contained within their dome.

As for the hair thing, I don't know.

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OG, under what context did you do do the research, was it part of a psych course or something? Actually, it sounds very interesting! Did you write some sort of report based on the research, 'cos I wouldn't mind reading it!

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
It was just a Science Prject, a required project for people in my grade, 9th at the time. I did write a report, but I reformated my computer so I don't have it anymore.