Maleficent: Mistress of Evil actor


Who was the page in this movie? I guess page is the right term. The small thin servant of the king and queen. The one that shot Maleficent as she flew away. I looked at the cast list but I don't know what the characters name is in the movie.

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Chat AI says
It sounds like you're referring to the character "Diaval" from the movie "Maleficent." Diaval is a loyal and shapeshifting raven who serves as a companion and confidant to Maleficent, the main character of the film. He's portrayed by actor Sam Riley. In the movie, Diaval's role includes transforming into different forms to assist Maleficent, and he plays a significant part in the story's events.

Chat AI says
It sounds like you're referring to the character "Diaval" from the movie "Maleficent." Diaval is a loyal and shapeshifting raven who serves as a companion and confidant to Maleficent, the main character of the film. He's portrayed by actor Sam Riley. In the movie, Diaval's role includes transforming into different forms to assist Maleficent, and he plays a significant part in the story's events.

No. Not the raven. The character that works for the human king and queen.

Registered User
Oliver Simms ... King's Servant (uncredited)

I found it. The character is Greda. Played by Jenn Murray.