Plot Types/Favorite Flicks


This is an idea spurned from the "rip off" threads. The most recent I remember seeing is the "Is the Matrix a rip off" (or some such wording). Well, The Matrix and films like it are all based on Descartes "I think therefore I am" postulations. My point for posting the aforementioned drivel is this: There are very few original ideas, especially where plot is concerned. There are several basic ones as follows

Man vs Man
Man vs Nature
Man vs Himself
Man vs The unknown
Man vs Machine
Man vs Society, or Government

I think every film, plot, story etc can be applied to one of these general descriptions or a combination thereof. I thought it would be interesting to post our favorite films that fit into each of the basic plot types.

I'm running a bit short on time so I'll post mine tomorrow... I'll look forward to hearing your ideas...

henry hill's Avatar
Which one does drug culture movies fall under?

Or would that be man vs himself...
henry hill - Disclaimer: This disclaimer disclaims any claims that could be claimed from my post.

Now With Moveable Parts
Man vs. Man- I liked, Heat. Al vs. Robert.

Man vs. Nature- White Squal

Man vs. Himself- Reqreium for a Dream

Man vs. The Unknown- Alien

Man vs. Machine- Terminator and Terminator 2

Man vs. Society or Government- (Fight the System!) A Few Good Men

one of my favorite plot set-ups is the husband/boyfriend going crazy while the devoted and trusting wife/girlfriend gradually sees this growing insanity, and gets more and more fearful. (and perhaps also does her own little detective work to figure it all out.)

i love psychological thrillers, and classic psycho flics like Straight Jacket with Joan Crawford, The Two Mrs. Carrols and In a Lonely Place with Bogie, The Nanny with Bette Davis....
on dance seul, on dance seul.....

man vs himself... fight club!
"Who comes at 12:00 on a Sunday night to rent Butch Cassady and the Sundance Kid?"
-Hollywood Video rental guy to me

Trainspotting - man vs nature