Helping an OCD friend


At first, we think she is just collecting things as a hobby. Now she's hoarding things to her house. And it's a lot of things! This is not normal, right? I read that this has something to do with OCD. How can we stop this habit?

It depends on how many things and why they're keeping them, obviously.

Any particular reason you're posting this here? Seems like it'd be more suited to a suit about behavioral issues or psychology.

I'm curious what type of things is your friend hoarding?

I have a problem getting rid of what I call:
"Consumables": things like canned goods I'll eventually eat, paper, cleaning or personal care products I'll eventually use.
"Usables": more odd things that I may have a use for (and seemingly, once I throw one of these away, I invariably NEED it for something shortly after).
And "Collectables": items that may have value for resale.

There's a thin line between a hoarder and a collector.

On those hoarder TV shows they show people who hoard garbage: used diapers, containers of human waste, garbage, rotted food, used toilet paper, etc. - stuff that has no business being saved or collected and stuff that's just unhealthy to have around. So I get people who save things they think they can use, but don't understand people who save garbage (or become too lazy to put their garbage out in a can).

I've seen this kind of thing on tv, and I cannot stand it. Clear out items starting from easiest to most difficult on the fear scale.