Favorite Batman Villian


The Bib-iest of Nickels
The reason the Joker is a mysterious character is because they keep changing him to suit the times.
I disagree, the reason that he's a mysterious character is because until Tim Burton's Batman, they never fully disclosed where he came from. There were proclamations and ideas about him falling in chemicals, just as their were ideas that he was a failed comedian, I've even read a comic or two with the idea that he was a circus performer in the same circus where Dick Grayson was. The reason that I didn't like Tim Burton's rendition of Batman is because he ruined the character, in my opinion, he took away the mysteriousness, and quite honestly, he made the character come off as a cliche, which was never something that I saw him as. Every time before that and sense, however, the cards have been kept close to the chest as to his origins. Want to see where I got these scars? I cut myself shaving .... no, wait, my father did it, or I did it to make my wife smile, wait.

Registered User
Movie wise, the Joker. Although to be fair in the nolan verse all the villains are awesome. From R'as all the way to Bane

Joker in everything.
Comics, TV show and movies.
•••[[[And the blood has left a stain]]]•••

Registered User
Bane from "The Dark Knight Rises". He's one of the coolest villains I've seen in a very long time. One of the last villains I saw that really made an impact on me was the character "Stuntman Mike" from the 2007 film "Death Proof". That was over five long years ago, so seeing a new really cool villain has been long overdue.

Bane is a terrorist, and is Batman's greatest foe yet. He totally steals the show. One of my favorite types of villains is a character that is strong both physically and mentally, and is fearless, and Bane is all three of those things. Batman is also strong both physically and mentally, and is fearless, and that's what makes Bane such a great foe. It seems that most of Batman's enemies are just crazy genius's, but to see Batman take on a character that can not only have a battle of wits with Batman, but a battle with fists as well is really entertaining.

Some of Batman's opponents have also been a bit over-the-top and a little too comic bookish to take *too seriously*. They are still entertaining, but because you know someone like that could never exist in real life, they can't really scare you that much, but Bane strikes me as a character that really could walk the streets and do some serious damage. He's very intimidating.

Bane is also a new character for me, so to have a brand new and fresh character that I've never seen or heard of before really added to the entertainment value of the film because he had a mystic about him. He in general has a big presence about him, and when he is on the screen, he totally gets your full attention. You won't space out or anything. He has a really cool voice too that will just make you listen to everything he says. That mask he wears is also very bad-ass. Kinda reminds me a little bit of Darth Vader's mask.

Honorable mention to Cillian Murphy's "Scarecrow" - Murphy is an awesome actor and was freaking brilliant as Doctor Crane/Scarecrow. I like him because he was such a master at mindgames and such an intelligent, fearless, evil, and confident man. Murphy had the perfect look and voice for the character. I wish he would have had a bigger role in "Batman Begins". His performance as "Scarecrow" has inspired me also to maybe dress as a Scarecrow for Halloween this year. I'd most likely do my own thing however and not dress how Murphy looked in "Batman Begins" since I look nothing like him physically, and will just use my own interpretation/vison to dress as a Scarecrow. Murphy's character just gave me the idea. But I digress.

The Riddler, He is my favorite because of the mysteries and I love how he acts in most of the cartoons. The mystery of him is very fascinating.
no one else is dealing with your demons friend - tyler joseph.

I am the Watcher in the Night
Well this is a difficult one. In terms of the movies, The Joker stands head and shoulders above everyone else.

In the comics, the one I've always liked the most and is definitely the most intriguing and at times beguiling is Two Face. The man was someone who once upheld the law only to be driven to insanity, leading to his turn as one of Gotham's biggest threats.

Will your system be alright, when you dream of home tonight?
This laugh haunted my nightmares. Far and beyond all, this is my favorite villain.

However, going by the movies I would have to say I really dug the Scarecrow, I love how he goes after the mental more than the physical. Comic book wise, I always liked Two-Face, the good guy going bad is always a good tale to tell.
I used to be addicted to crystal meth, now I'm just addicted to Breaking Bad.
Originally Posted by Yoda
If I were buying a laser gun I'd definitely take the XF-3800 before I took the "Pew Pew Pew Fun Gun."

Joker, the character you can't stop hating.

In the movies it has to be Ledger as the joker

It's the Joker - Heath ledger my favorite.

Movie Forums Stage-Hand
Joker, he's amazing

The joker is the obvious choice but i thought cillian murphy as scarecrow was pretty damn good.

An honerable mention i think should go to Danny Devitos Penguin.
Think that out of all the batman villains he managed to make it the most cartoonish.
You'd never get away with it today but he just about managed to pull it off.
Even the comic book villainous one liners

The Penguin: True. I was their number one son, and they treated me like number two.

Bimbo: You are the coolest role-model a young person could have!
The Penguin: And you're the hottest young person a role-model could have.

Batman: What do you want?
The Penguin: Ah, the direct approach. I admire that in a man with a mask.

The Penguin: I could really get into this mayor stuff. It's not about power, it's about reaching out to people - touching people - groping people!

One of the few who could get away with these lines.

Going with Ledger's Joker for the films. For the comics, again, the Joker as presented in Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns. Haven't seen the animated version (part 2) of the DVD adaptation featuring the Joker but looking forward to it.
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

Young Skywalker. Missed you, I have...
This one is difficult. I really like The Joker and Bane in Nolans' versions. The Riddler was always my favorited but I hated the way that Jim Carey played him. I wish that Nolan could have worked the Riddler in somewhere and put someone to make him a little more serious. Of course between the first couple and Nolans trilogy the entire Batman franchise (movie wise) became a joke.
You are no Vader. You are just a child in a mask.

Movie Forums Extra
The joker was mine

Joker is among the absolute best villains in any movie