The MOFO Preliminary Discussion of the Top 100 Comedies

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That's interesting. I guess the idea is that you're judging them as comedies and not as films in total, and that this changes their ranking?
Yeah basically I'm ranking them only by a single element rather than the entoire package I guess. Some way down the list are better films, but not better comedy films. I don't know if that makes sense but it does in my head.

Wonder if any of the Carry On fillums will squeeze in? Sadly I very much doubt any of the Will Hay's will stand much of a chance.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
18 ballots in, almost 300 total films represented in total.

A LOT of people expressed concern that this list, in particular would have a lot of really awful films or be hugely subject to recency bias. I won't give anything away, but I will say the list so far is...not really panning out that way. Still plenty of time for it to make more people mad though.
I think this also means there's gonna be a solid top 100, as there's over 150 "double votes" already and it's pretty early. Of course a lot of those are probably triple or multiple votes, but it's still encouraging.

I just got a message about this thread.
Even though it sounds all self-explanatory... "beezitinthewhatnow?"

(It sounds like the only requirement is to submit a ballot and tell no one what's on it until some unveiling time later?)

I have a feeling of, "are you sure you want me submitting a ballot for this?"

Yeah basically I'm ranking them only by a single element rather than the entoire package I guess. Some way down the list are better films, but not better comedy films. I don't know if that makes sense but it does in my head.

I'm not reading 15 pages of lead-up of this thread to catch up, but just looking at this and the last page, I'd give an analogy:

If we were doing a top 10 list of horror movies, some people consider Mulholland Drive to be a horror movie. I would say it definitely has horror elements to it, and wouldn't discount it as a horror movie. But it wouldn't be in my top 10 horror movie list even though it is in my personal top 10 of all time list just simply because the primary emotional resonance I get from it doesn't make it spring to mind when I think, "horror." Even though some of those emotionally resonant scenes would be described with the emotion, "fear."

Weirdly, despite also being horror-adjacent, I'd be more likely to consider Ken Russel's The Devil's for such a list (though, I probably have 10 movies that I'd put in front of it, just because they wouldn't have that "-adjacent" qualifier on them).

I say this before putting together my ballot and am already guessing, I'm probably not going to be picking lots of what people consider straight comedies (but maybe the ballot won't bear that out).

I'm not reading 15 pages of lead-up of this thread to catch up, but just looking at this and the last page, I'd give an analogy:

If we were doing a top 10 list of horror movies, some people consider Mulholland Drive to be a horror movie. I would say it definitely has horror elements to it, and wouldn't discount it as a horror movie. But it wouldn't be in my top 10 horror movie list even though it is in my personal top 10 of all time list just simply because the primary emotional resonance I get from it doesn't make it spring to mind when I think, "horror." Even though some of those emotionally resonant scenes would be described with the emotion, "fear."

Weirdly, despite also being horror-adjacent, I'd be more likely to consider Ken Russel's The Devil's for such a list (though, I probably have 10 movies that I'd put in front of it, just because they wouldn't have that "-adjacent" qualifier on them).

I say this before putting together my ballot and am already guessing, I'm probably not going to be picking lots of what people consider straight comedies (but maybe the ballot won't bear that out).
Yeah that pretty much sums it up. Two good films also.

rbrayer's Avatar
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been a bit - glad I checked the site and saw this!

Need it be full length? There are a few L&H shorts that are as funny as anything ever made full length

18 ballots in, almost 300 total films represented in total.

A LOT of people expressed concern that this list, in particular would have a lot of really awful films or be hugely subject to recency bias. I won't give anything away, but I will say the list so far is...not really panning out that way. Still plenty of time for it to make more people mad though.
18 ballots?? I just counted the names there's only 13 lol
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I worked on my ballot this morning because my internet was out. I'm waiting awhile longer before I submit my ballot, but I'm not waiting until the last day, cause I don't want to miss out on this!

I submitted my list. My picks were made based on sentimental value: movies I loved growing up, movies I love watching on repeat, movies that crack me up whenever I see them without fail.

I'm pretty sure most of the films I picked will end up in the countdown.
“Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!” ~ Rocky Balboa

I submitted my list. My picks were made based on sentimental value: movies I loved growing up, movies I love watching
Me too!

...movies that crack me up whenever I see them without fail.
Me too!

I'm pretty sure most of the films I picked will end up in the countdown.
Not me too
I'm pretty sure many of my films aren't going to make it, unless people really like the old, old stuff.

I forgot the opening line.
Submitted my ballot - my list of "must include" favourite comedies ran to 37 titles, so I had to cut 12 - got a good spread from the 1950s to the 2010s, with the 1970s being a particularly good year for my taste in comedy. I'm really looking forward to seeing what kind of stuff comes up - this countdown is pretty intriguing, foreign language and 2000s had strict definitions, but now everything is running wild.
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.
We miss you Takoma

That's updated by hand, it's not automatic, so it'll trail the actual ballots.

It's up to 23 now.
Ah ok nice, sorry was just going by what I see listed on the first page, only see 13 names that submitted their ballots on there.

Society ennobler, last seen in Medici's Florence
We now have 28 ballots. We still need more ballots to do a good top 50 or 100. Please spread the word about the comedy list.

Since we're dying in this 3-months-waiting boredom, Can you please share some more info to feed the forum chitchat?
For example: How many titles so far got three or more mentions in the ballots? 🤔
I think, this doesn't violate the confidentiality of the game.
"Population don't imitate art, population imitate bad television." W.A.
"You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." M.T.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
well, that is a death penalty if I remember correctly. and I don't mean like a permaban from MOFO. I'm talking a permaban from life. with drone technology as cheap and as automated as it's become, it's easier than ever to paint a target and send out a mini, solar-powered drone. They were talking African killer wasps not too long ago, but really that was the coverup for a secret government experiment gone wrong. those were drones. i saw the blueprints because of my work. don't tell anyone i admitted that though please. they were originally mechanizing ants as they're smaller and cheaper to reproduce mechanically. just, they're so darned slow to get to the target zone. in most test runs, the target was gone days before the ant colony arrived. by then, their batteries were mostly depleted (the ants', not the target's) so they all just sorta turned on each other. brutal stuff, really. it was like that helicopter scene in World War Z. or at least that's how I imagine it went down. i wasn't there to witness it. anyway. because of that, they turned focus to robotic wasps. killer African wasps, that is. because who's going to spend all that time and money going to Africa to investigate whether they're really African or not. it's not like wasps use passports.

so yeah. maybe we shouldn't be poking this bear, beehive killer mecha drone wasp with a stick?

just sayin.
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

We now have 28 ballots. We still need more ballots to do a good top 50 or 100. Please spread the word about the comedy list.

I've got a few movies I'd like to revisit and there are a couple I've never seen that I've been meaning to see, so I'll probably try to squeeze those in before submitting. But expect something from me either on the 30th or 31st. But I've sketched out a shortlist of ~50 movies for myself, so I just have to whittle those down and order them. Something I can do in a pinch if I need to.