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I believe he's K-PAXian, but I haven't read K-Pax 2 and K-Pax 3 yet. They probably don't reveal the "truth" in either of them. In part 3, I believe prot says "Truth is whatever you believe it to be."

Registered User
i'd like to believe that he was k-paxian too

"truth is whatever you believe it to be" is very true...though it can be a blessing or a curse!!
"So you take me for what I am...a psychopathic, schizophrenic, serial-killing, femme fatale?"

Registered User
Hi sweeties,
Okay, here's my take on it. If the kpaxians are reeeeelly different from us, if the are Energy Beings or something, he could be a kpaxian who is temporarily inhabiting the body of an acutely sick person who is not using his body. He came to sightsee, and while he was here, being a reeeeeeeeelly nice guy (and maybe all kpaxians are, and maybe they all aren't), he decided to lend a hand where it looked like hand was needed. When Jeff Bridges did his number, he did it on the human who came back and suffered again -- too much, again -- and they both flew the coop back to kpax.
Of course, I do read a bunch of SF, but, there you have my idea, for what it's worth.
I wish there was a kpax, and that they were all really good guys and that they would come often and do us some good. Like make this war stop for example.
Of course, I do read a bunch of SF, but, there you have my idea, for what it's worth. (Yeah, I know I said it twice.)
Love and kisses to you ALL,

Registered User
OOooo honey bunny!
How sweet of you to notice.
Nice to see your good old handle 2.
I have not been to a movie in so long I almost forgot how.
I have a NEW JOB tht pays me nothing almost, and I work
like a BOW-WOW, but I do love it so . . .

Yet I miss all you guys and I still love you, so when you
sent me the "somebody replied" flag, I had to come by
and say so.

Love & kisses esp. to YOU!
You true love, Jozie

Aw, shucks. Great to see you, too. As silly as it sounds, I was looking through my buddy list a day or two ago and wondering "where's Jozie been? She usually stops in every month or so." You're one of the charter members, so to speak, so I find it remarkably cool that you still stop in every now and then.

Here's hoping you manage to take up your old moviegoing ways again this year, as it's shaping up to be a remarkable year, cinematically.

Registered User
Adorable Green Guy --
Job ends when school ends. Of course then I will have No $$, but maybe enough for a film or too, at the el cheapo theatre.
Meanwhile, I'll just have to keep eating my heart out for you in silence.
Eveer your adoring,
(Love & kisses 2 U and all)

Viscuoa's Avatar
Movie Explorer
**Warning: Could have a spoiler in my post**

I say that this movie was well developed, both coming from the plot point of view and Kevin Spacey's performance. Like how Prot was convincing for Jeff Bridges' character, he was convincing to me as well. When the movie began, I actually thought he was an alien -- I mean Kevin Spacey's real character not Prot. Funny thing is, he portrayed Prot the alien manipulating the body of Spacey's human character. Overall, the movie is entertaining; Spacey's character is also intricate in a way and that's also entertaining. I can't say much about this but that I recommend it to anyone who hasn't seen it yet.

Registered User
Dear Hunnies --
Well but of course he really was an alien -- using a human body. Remember at the start, the very first time we saw him, he just sort of [i]appeared[/] out of a sunbeam.
Of course we had to suspend our disbelief in order to buy -- but for just that one thing. That's the mark of a well-made plot. Whose essay was it that introduced the "willing suspension of disbelief" phrase? The rest of it flowed smoothly, even the silly part with the dog (a part I personally liked, even though it was silly). He was an alien niceguy who took over the body of this terribly injured human . . . part of his niceguyness . . . to give him a rest from his pain, poor thing. And then when his vacation was over, he went home.
Question: what did Prot do for a "living" back on his home planet? Was he from a niceguy planet? Was he a social worker in a rough-living world? Was he a college prof (or a grad student)studying up on primitive societies in order to write a book? I wonder about that.
Another film that gave me the same eerie feeling was Bruce Willis's "Unbreakable," which did not exactly break box office records, as I remember. But I thought it was lovely, and Willis, who has somehow managed to learn to act after all these years, gave a really lovely performance. Why is it that I go for these sensitive goodguy souls who need my comfort. Am I a sucker or not?
Hey, any goodguy sensitive souls out there? Maybe tall, smart, single ones? Old guys can apply here too. MMMM?
Love and kisses,

Originally posted by Jozie
Question: what did Prot do for a "living" back on his home planet? Was he from a niceguy planet? Was he a social worker in a rough-living world? Was he a college prof (or a grad student)studying up on primitive societies in order to write a book? I wonder about that.
Umm.... well, in the first book, from what I remember, K-PAX was the nicest placest you may or may not be able to imagine. Violence did not exist, and if anyone became violent, people would stay away from that person. It was as simple as that. Crime or murder, apparently, did not happen there.

I don't recall prot talking about a job. I don't think they had actual careers. He said that (or rather, Gene Brewer wrote that) everybody helped each other in any way they could - there wasn't hierarchy. People could also sleep whenever they wanted to (!) for as long as they needed, but apparently, it wasn't a big thing. The K-PAXians weren't lazy, but if they needed to rest, or eat, they were allowed to do so, at any time. There was no pressure.

K-PAXians were also highly advanced, of course. They had these computers that could make anything happen - computers that allowed them to travel (probably from K-PAX to Earth even) or go anywhere on K-PAX and do anything they wanted to. They were filled with information, and you could go to one and learn about anything instantly. This was why prot was so smart, and his advanced knowledge of the universe was merely simple, common sense stuff to him.

The K-PAXians weren't decadent though. They didn't have futuristic style mansions and all that -- they didn't even medicine. Not the drugs we have, at least. They lived outside, by the trees, which is usually where they rested, head propped up against one. And they PERFORMED THEIR OWN SURGERIES. They did everything themselves - they knew how to heal, they used certain plants to heal themselves, and they only ate wheats, grains, and fruits.

More things: They don't idolize people, like we give celebrity status to actors, we remember great inventors, Christopher Columbus, George Washington -- they don't do that. They don't know the names of people who've made achievements. And speaking of names, I just checked the book, and some of the names of prot's friends on K-PAX are brot, mano, swon, and fled. EVERYBODY on K-PAX is his friend - they're all friends. Oh, and if K-PAXians get you hot, you'll really want to go there - they don't wear clothes. Only every 21 years when it gets a little cold.

I love this movie. I think Jeff Bridges did a very good job. Kevin Spacey is always great, but Jeff Bridges really held his own IMO. I actually got the ending the first time I saw it! Being 14 I'm proud of myself. (hehe)
Anyway, I loved this movie, and plan to buy it. . .sometime.
Remember, remember, the 5th of November
I'm afraid I must bid you adieu.
He woke up one night with a terrible fright
And found he was eating his shoe.

I enjoyed this movie right up untill the last 2 minutes.
WARNING: "k-pax" spoilers below
I hate a question mark ending that leaves it up to the individual to decide for himself. Sorry but I need closure people.