The problem with the Third Act


Since the rise of CGI, I increasingly find the same problem with the blockbuster movies I watch; namely the excesses of the third act.

As a general rule, I tend to find that the character development, plotting and arcs in the first two acts interest me; but as soon as the big bad CGI antagonist emerges in the third act, and the movie descends into a mess of computer generated destruction, I lose all interest and investment. I may as well leave the cinema.

It feels like an arms race, with each new release upping the ante to absurd levels that stretches suspension of disbelief far beyond breaking point. The stakes become so unrealistically high that all tension instantly dissolves.

When everything is fantastical; fantastical becomes normal and tedious.

When I saw the Batman V Superman trailers that revealed the third act; any interest I had in the movie instantly waned. Admittedly, my interest was rather low in any event, given that I find Snyder to be a flawed director who makes shallow movies; but discovering that he intended to turn the destruction up to eleven in the final act was a final nail in the coffin for me.

I truly wish that more movies would show some restraint and maintain the emotional investment they have forged over the first two acts; rather than opting for destruction porn and gratuitous CGI-laden noise and clamour in the final act.

Please share your thoughts.


Skip the superhero blockbusters and watch other kinds of films.
Very true. The problem is that the slightly more restrained but fun movies of yesteryear - think DieHard, Alien, Terminator, Total Recall etc - if made today would resort to these ridiculous excesses of CGI destruction; and would be spectacularly uninteresting as a result.

I enjoy a bit of mindless action, I just hate to see it destroyed by a horribly over-blown third act.