Movies that would be messed up if the gender rolls were in reverse 😄


Movies that would be messed up if the gender rolls were in reverse

I'm generally not a fan of switching gender roles in movies just to sell tickets & make a buck. But on the flip side a movie that swaps gender roles does have the ability to examine all sorts of human behavior, both current and past. I can't really think of any movie or story that couldn't have the traditional male female roles switched around as long as it's done intelligently and not just done as a gimmick.

The Front Page was remade with one person's gender changed. The remake was His Gal Friday.

What was that film starring Joshua Hartnett (What happened to him btw), where he's abstaining from sex? Yet some girl drugs and essentially r@pes him? I remember thinking how awful that was but it wouldn't have even seen the light of day if you swapped genders.

How about some ancient epics....The Ten Commandments or Ben Hur? Would a female being Moses result in the Red Sea NOT parting? Would Meryl Streep work as a galley slave or Margo Robbie in a chariot race?